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Where To Find All Tarot Card In The Quarry

Where To Find All Tarot Cards In The Quarry

Where To Find All Tarot Cards In The Quarry. The Quarry Tarot Cards collectibles that may found throughout the game chapters. So here a list of where you can find them and which character fate each one will reveal.

Find All Tarot Cards play an important role in The Quarry. Providing insight into the tale and the futures of the individuals. Find Each of The Quarry ten chapters features at least one Tarot Cards to gather. Which can then presented to the fortune-teller for interpretation. These will be vital in assisting you along in the plot. If you want to reach best conclusion and save all of the characters.

If you’re wondering where and how to gather the Tarot Cards in the game. We’ve listed them all below, along with which character’s fate each one reveals.

The Quarry’s Tarot Card locations

Where To Find All Tarot Cards In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarot Card locations Chapter 1 Temperance 3

The Quarry contains a total of 22 Tarot Cards that can found throughout the game. As previously stated, these can collected and taken to the fortune-teller to get access to further dialogue.

These Tarot Cards tease the fate of the camp counselors. And if you know which one corresponds to whatever scene. You can utilize them to influence critical decisions.

The locations of all the Tarot Cards in The Quarry shown here. We’ll keep you up to date as we discover all of the card’s outcomes:


Tarot CardTarot Card locationCharacter fate revealed
The FoolDrop down the ledge in the forest as Laura and head to the left. Take a few steps ahead and you’ll find the card there.Jacob

Chapter 1

Tarot CardTarot Card locationCharacter fate revealed
TemperanceWhen Jacob enters the lodge, go inside the kitchen to reveal the card.Emma

Chapter 2

Tarot CardTarot Card locationCharacter fate revealed
The Hanged ManMake Nick choose the Rocky Road and complete the time sequences to reveal the card on the ledge.Jacob

Chapter 3

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
The TowerWhile playing as Abi, take the left path each time and you’ll find the card.???
The StarWhen Jacob looks for towels, go to the right toward the canoes to reveal the card.Emma

ALSO READ: Tarot Card Location In The Quarry

Where To Find All Tarot Cards In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarrot Cards

Chapter 4

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
The MagicianOn the island, go towards the end of the dock as Emma reveals the card.Dylan
StrengthThe card gets revealed when counselors enter the lodge again.Bobby

Chapter 5

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
The DevilMove towards the central picnic tables when Dylan investigates the cabins to reveal the card stuck in one of the table legs.Abigail
The HermitAfter Dylan arrives at the radio hut, walk towards the large antenna on the left of the building to reveal the card.Jacob

Chapter 6

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
JusticeTake a few steps down and move to the left while Jacob walks on the wooden bridge to reveal the card.Laura
The MoonWhen Abigail enters the bathroom and investigates the central shower stall, the card will be revealed located on the side of a locker.Laura

Chapter 7

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
The WorldYou’ll find the card underneath the bed in Laura’s cell.Ryan
The ChariotWalk to the open office inside the police station to find the card stuck to a beam.This card doesn’t show the fate of any character and is not of much value.
Where To Find All Tarot Cards In The Quarry
tarotcards quarry 24 1

Chapter 8

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
The LoversTake the walkway and walk towards the small balcony after the rail-collapse cutscene in the mine to find the card. Ryan
Wheel of FortuneInside the small lantern-lit tunnel, move forward to find the card stuck to the wall.Bobby
The EmpressAfter Ryan enters the Hackett house, go to the left room and investigate the table and chairs to reveal the card.Constance
The EmperorIn the same building, go to the basement and walk along the small tunnel and you’ll find the card at the end.Jedidiah

Chapter 9

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
 DeathThe card is hidden on the top of a wardrobe located toward the birdcage inside the bedroom.???
 The SunGo to the room with a circuit box on the second floor and move towards the window to reveal the card.???
 JudgementWalk inside the scrapyard and turn left toward the staircase, walk up to find the card.???
 The HierophantMove towards the stairs in the shelter to reveal the card.Eliza

Chapter 10

Tarot CardTarot Card locationsCharacter fate revealed
The High PriestessInside the lodge, move two floors up towards the window to reveal the card.This card is not of much value and is discovered towards the endgame.

So there you have it: everything you need to know about all of The Quarry’s Tarot Card locations.