Sims 4 How To Transform Into Werewolf. You’ve come to the correct place if you want to learn how to become a werewolf in The Sims 4. So you can howl at the midnight moon and do all the other wonderful things. That come with being a part-dog-part-human hybrid. To transform your Sims into werewolf in The Sims 4, you’ll need to use one of four distinct methods. Which we’ll go over in detail below.
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How to Turn Into a Werewolf in The Sims 4
In The Sims 4, there are four ways to turn a Sim into a werewolf within the standard gameplay. These are the following:
- In Create-a-Sim, you can make a werewolf.
- Become the victim of a werewolf attack
- Request a Bite from a Werewolf
- Being the son or daughter of two werewolves
Create-a-Sim Method

You can simply choose the Werewolfism occult trait in the CAS if you don’t mind generating a new Sim. This is by far the simplest way to get a Werewolf Sim in The Sims 4 right away.
Get Attack by a Werewolf

It’s possible that a Sim who is already a Werewolf will attack your innocent Sim. While they’re going about their normal activities. Your Sim will contract Werebies if they bite you during this time. If you wait long enough, they will develop the Werewolfism trait.
You can acquire the Werebies Remedy at Grimtooth Bar if you’re not ready for them to turn into a Werewolf. However, this should utilized while the Werebies sickness is still present. The treatment will not work if you wait too long.
Ask a Werewolf to Give You a ‘Cursed Bite’
If you already have a Werewolf Sim and wish to transfer it on to another one of your characters. Simply have them speak to the lycanthrope.
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When you do, you’ll notice that you have the option of having them bite you. This does necessitate the Werewolf possessing. The ‘Cursed Bite’ skill as well as a positive relationship with the Sim in question. If you need some assistance with this, you can use our Sims 4 relationship cheats.
Your Sim will go through four phases of contraction after bitten. After which they will gain the Werewolfism trait and be able to howl at the moon alongside their fellow lycanthropes.
Have Two Werewolves Have a Baby

If you have two Sims with the Werewolfism trait. You can make them woohoo and have a baby who will very certainly be a werewolf as well.
The infant has a 50% chance of being a werewolf if only one of your Sims possesses the trait. You won’t tell whether the baby has it right away. Because they don’t start acting wolfish until they’re in their toddler years. They won’t have access to all of the werewolf skills even then. These will only be available once they reach adolescence.
If you don’t want to wait, we have a guide on how to age up Sims in The Sims 4.
The Sims 4 Werewolf Cheat
If you don’t want to deal with all of that, you can always rely on a good old-fashioned cheat.
Simply type the following into the command box after you’ve enabled cheats with ‘testingcheats true’:
- traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf
This will grant your Sim the werewolf trait. Allowing them to transform into a werewolf without the need to seek down and bite or attack existing werewolve. Alternatively, you may wait for two werewolves to do the dirty work.
That’s all there is to know about becoming a werewolf in The Sims 4. Check out the websites below for more information on the game.