Rebirth Gift Location In Neon White. You’ll need to sweeten them up with gifts if you want to make friends in Neon White. Rebirth Gift Location In Neon White. Use this guide to locate all of the gifts from the first episode.
The tutorial segment of the game Neon White’s episode (named “Rebirth”). Despite fact that it was design primarily to teach you how to use controls and the soul card system. Rebirth Gift Location In Neon White. The ten levels available are all actual stages. This implies that they contain all of the same surprises and delights as the other stages in Neon White.
Table of Contents
Unlock Cutscenes and Even Bonus Stages
The items at question here are, of course, the gifts. You will have numerous opportunities to engage with various party members during the game.
You will be able to give them gifts throughout these conversations. This will allow you to access cutscenes and even bonus stages. While some gifts are quite simple to purchase, others may necessitate considerable forethought. This guide meant to remove the element of guesswork from the equation.

Begin by completing the level as you normally would. Until you reach the river loop at the end of the stage, that is. Rather than aiming for the stage’s exit. Continue on the loop until you notice some structures that are short enough to jump on. The present should visible: it should perched on one of these rooftops. You can get the Six Pack by jumping from roof to roof.

The present perched on a ledge to the left of the balloon enemy. To reach there, simply use the assault rifle’s discard ability to plant a bomb under your feet, then jump. This will provide you with plenty of time to catch the Perfume.
Additionally, there are balloon-type adversaries floating around. So if you mess up your jump, you can easily bounce off them to acquire some air.

This is a difficult gift to obtain. As a result, you’ll want to avoid using the discard ability during this run. To get the gift, you’ll need all three discards.
As you progress, take out the adversaries with gunfire and collect all three assault rifle cards. Then, go to the stage’s end, but leap onto the roof of the tunnel just adjacent to it.
Following that roof until you reach a wide gap is the next step. To get to the next roof, use one of your discards. From here, use one discard to obtain a super high jump up close to the top of the tower. Then use the final discard to stick a bomb to the side of the tower as you move closer. To the top (while you pressed up against it).
This is the last leg of the journey to the top of the tower. The Tattletail Toy then obtain.

This is one of the most straightforward presents to obtain. Play the stage as you normally would (you can utilize the shortcut approach if you choose). Instead of taking a left when you reach the end of the stream that circles the stage. Jump over to the adjoining roof (this jump does not require your card’s “elevate” discard ability).
Back here, the present for level perched atop a column. To get up up here and get the reward, you’ll need to discard one handgun card. You may now get your hands on the Six Pack.

On this stage, the present on top of high-up tower to your right at the start of the stage. Two double hops required to get up here. Jump through to the next section after you’ve defeated the first two enemies. Get rid of the lone demon in this area. Turn around and climb to the top of the highest platform closest to the nearest tower.
To get to that tower, use one of your double jumps. To get to the next tower, use your second double jump. The Tattletail Toy will be yours to keep.

This gift completely hidden from view. Begin the stage by jumping on top of the balloon demons and ascending up the structure as you normally would. However, once you reach the first card in the stage, you must stop.
Grab the card and leap across the gap. Perform a double leap as you fall. And collect the prize that is hovering right beneath the bridge you were just standing on. The six pack will be yours.
ALSO READ: Rebirth Shortcut Location In Neon White

As a result, the present is on top of the tower that looms above the stage’s exit. You’ll need two assault rifle cards to go up there, which means you not able to use your discard ability. Thankfully, we only interested in the gift, so you may overlook the opponents.
In this stage, simply run past the demons and reach the level’s exit. Then, to go to the shorter roof near to the exit, use a bomb leap. Another bomb jump will take you to the top of the tower. You should now have the Tattletail Toy in your possession.

This is a really simple gift to obtain. You’ll get two assault rifle cards at the end of the stage. You’d usually use the first to execute a bomb jump across the gap. Then the second to blow the wooden wall open. The present, on the other hand, is occupying the space directly above that wall.
So, rather of utilizing the second discard ability on the wall itself. You’ll fire it at the ground in front of it as you fall. Which will propel you high enough to reach the present. It’s that simple.

Another difficult present awaits you in Fasttrack. Complete the stage in the usual manner. You will, however, require two assault rifle cards as well as a pistol card. This signifies that the final group of adversaries at the end of the level should ignored. Simply go right by them.
You’ll be able to see the present in the distance once you’re standing adjacent to the stage exit. Make a double jump to the second-largest tower in the distance with your pistol. Use the assault rifle’s discard ability to execute a bomb jump up once you’ve arrived at the tower. As you get closer to top, use second assault rifle discard to bomb jump the rest of the way up.
Glass Port

At the very end of the stage, you’ll find this present. It’s located on the building’s top, directly across from the stage’s exit. You’ll need a really huge hand of cards to get to this present. Three assault rifles and a pistol required. As a result, you’ll need to keep one pistol card. This should be simple enough to accomplish, considering you can complete the level with just three of them.
Three assault rifles will be waiting for you once you reach the last location. If you’ve exhausted your pistols, there’s a yellow demon nearby who will drop one for you. Make your way to the bottom of the highest building on your right. And do bomb jumps all the way up. Then, once you’re near the top, use a double jump by discarding a handgun.
Full Stack of Double JumpsÂ
If you want to make things easier on yourself, instead of using the gun. Utilize a bomb jump to get through the hole at the start of the stage. Collect the second gun from the second yellow demon outside the hole. And the third pistol from the demon immediately past the treasure chest. At the end of the stage, you should have a full stack of double jumps to use.