The Quarry Blood Pact Trophy Ending Walkthrough. To earn the award Blood Pact in The Quarry Blood Pact Trophy Ending Walkthrough. You must infect every character in a single playing. Implies that they must bitten by a monster in order to get infect.
This only applies to the playable characters: Jacob, Nick, Ryan, Dylan, Max, Kaitlyn, Emma, Abigail, and Laura. The Quarry Blood Pact Trophy Ending Walkthrough. Members of the Hackett family not included. It fine if characters die after they been infect; the award won’t be void. However, it is preferable to keep them alive by combining this playing with the acquisition of your missing Collectibles.
Table of Contents
Everyone Survives Walkthrough & Everyone Dies Walkthrough
It advised that you start with the Everyone Survives and Everyone Dies Walkthroughs. The only collectible category left if you followed those Walkthroughs is hints. Specifically, Hackett History Clue #2 and Hackett History Clue #3. Both of which necessitate a trip to Shady Glade in Chapter 2. The Rocky Road path was mutually exclusive with these.
If you’ve already figured out all of the hints from the Prologue and Chapter 1. You can skip forward to Chapter 2 and save time. There’s no need to start a fresh game. Keep in mind that Chapter Select returns your Collectible Progress to where it was at the beginning of the Chapter. From Chapter 2 onwards.
The Quarry Collectible Guide

You must remember all Clues (everything from Chapters 2-10 must picked up again). Then, in Chapter 10, you’ll be able to get your collector trophy. Pick up all missing objects by consulting The Quarry Collectible Guide along the route. Keep all of your characters alive for as long as possible so you can find Collectibles with them. To keep them alive, make the same decisions you did in the Everyone Survives game. Except for the ones indicated below to infect them.
Walkthrough for Everyone Infected
Max and Laura already infected; you don’t have to do anything to infect them. Don’t worry about these two; they’re incapable of making a mistake.
Chapter 1 (Dylan Infection Preparation)

When Abi and Emma are discussing in the locked cabin, they must decide whether or not to “BREAK IN”. This required so that the monster attacks Dylan at the Radio Hut in Chapter 5 and infects his hand. If you didn’t break into the locked cabin in Chapter 1. The monster will focus on it instead of attacking Dylan. You should have already completed this if you followed the Everyone Survives Walkthrough.
Chapter 2 (Missing Clues in the Shady Glade)
On last playthrough, you should have gone to Rocky Road and got all Tarots if you followed Everyone Survives Walkthrough. You should only have all of the hints remaining. Replay Chapter 2 and head to SHADY GLADE to get the two clues. “Hackett History Clue #2 & Hackett History Clue #3” for your everyone infected run. Remember to collect all other clues from Chapters 2-10 as well; the prize for all clues in Chapter 10 requires all of them to collected. Along the way, keep an eye out for The Quarry Collectible Guide.
Optional – Chapter 2 (*Butterpops Trophy Preparation)
Nick shoots left melon > shoots same melon. Again after cutscene where he walks closer to it > shoot 2 bottles on far left > shoot 1 bottle on left. This has no effect on infections; it’s only a warm-up for the Butterpops trophy in the next game (you won’t have to redo Chapter 2).
ALSO READ: How To Save Nick The Quarry
Chapter 3 (Nick & Abigail)

After Abigail and Nick ambushed by a monster in the woods, Nick is bit and infected automatically. When Abi runs away, choose HELP NICK > to infect her. QTE:r-up: RUN > Smash:x: /:a: /:a: /:a: /:a: /:a: DON’T “Climb Tree” (DO NOT press:x: /:a: – let timer run out) > Instead. Abi will hide behind rocks > THE HOLD BREATH EVENT WAS A FAILURE. Results in Abi bit in the throat and gets infecte)
Optional – Chapter 3 (*Butterpops Trophy Preparation)
When Ryan is running into the woods, take the two SHORTCUTS so that you can witness Bobby carrying Nick away. Then hit Bobby with “SHOUT” > “SHOOT” (muscular hunter guy). This has no effect on infections; it’s only a warm-up for the Butterpops trophy in the next game (you won’t have to redo Chapter 3).
Chapter 3 (Jacob Infection Preparation)

You will play as Jacob at the end of Chapter 3 and become trapped in woods by a hunter’s trap. THROW DIRT after the hunter lets you go (Press :x: ). This prevents the Hunter from smearing blood all over Jacob’s face. Then, in Chapter 6, he can become infected (see point 6 below).
Chapter 4 (Emma)
When you enter the tree home upstairs on the Chapter 4 island as Emma. Choose the following QTE: USE TASER >:x: TAKE PHOTO >:r-down. Smash:x: on zipline > SEARCH BAG SPRAY >:r-up: >:r-up: > BLOCK DOOR > USE TRAPDOOR >:r-down. FAIL QTE (DON’T PRESS:r-down: when trying to push the cabinet) > Emma’s Arm bitten >:r-right. (Emma tasers the monster) > FAIL QTE (NOT PRESS:x:) > Emma Leg gets bit >:
Chapter 5 (Dylan)
Refer to the Chapter 1 option; if you broke into the locked cabin in Chapter 1, Dylan’s hand will bit in Chapter 5 Radio Hut. Choose “TERRIFIED” instead of “Desperate” when his hand bit. It’s critical that you don’t cut off his hand, as this will spread the virus.
Chapter 6 (Jacob)
After strolling about as Jacob for a while, you’ll see a cinematic where Jacob and Emma reunite. (If Emma is still alive). FAIL THE FIRST QTE (DO NOT press:r-right:) when Jacob assaulted by a monster. Jacob jumped on top of by the creature, who bites him in the throat but does not kill him. Then select RUN > Smash:x: while running > PRY OPEN from the menu. Jacob will become unwell as a result of the non-lethal bite.
Chapter 6 (Nick) – In Pool House, Nick transforms into a monster on his own.
Chapter 6 (Emma)

When playing as Emma, begin at the campfire/tents and travel uphill (it doesn’t matter which way you select). You’ll see two hunters catching a monster in a cutscene. Select “RUN.” Then, from the woods, another monster appears and bites Emma in the leg, but does not kill her. If you missed the opportunity to infect Emma in Chapter 4, this provides you a second chance. Just for good measure get her bitten here in Chapter 6 even. If she was already bit in Chapter 4 (she survives even if she was bit before). She survives even if she was bit before. This is optional, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Chapter 8 (Optional)
Emma will have turned into a monster in the automobile parked outside the lodge since you infected her. If you wish both Abi and Emma to live, click SHOOT > SHOOT MONSTER EMMA BEFORE SHE KILLS ABI >. SHOOT MONSTER EMMA ON CAR ROOF > REGULAR SHOT when the group unlocks the car to locate Monster Emma. This is what I did when I got the trophy on the first game. But it not required for trophy purposes. When the monster rushes towards Abi. It’s easy to miss firing it, so back up your save as soon as the “Shoot” option appears. It shouldn’t matter if Abi dies; just focus on the remaining illnesses.
When Ryan is bleeding out and Laura approaches him and offers to bite him. You must choose to get bit in order to infected by her. Choose: SYMPATHETIC “It’s not your fault…” > Interrupt Event: DON’T Pull Away (DON’T press:x: /:a:)
Chapter 9 (Kaitlyn)
At the scrapyard, after going to the yellow crane. Choose SLAM THE CAR > FAIL THE QTE (DON’T press:x: /:a:.) during cutscene where Ryan controls crane. AFTER FAILING THE QTE, THE TROPHY UNLOCKS IMMEDIATELY DURING THIS CUTSCENE! It’s not necessary to finish the story for it to be interesting.
As soon as Kaitlyn gets bit, you should have the prize if you accomplishe everything correctly. Continue through Chapter 10 to collect your last clues, which should be enough to get you the final collectible trophy. Refer to The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap for any remaining questions.