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How To Kill Silas In The Quarry

How To Kill Silas In The Quarry

How To Kill Silas In The Quarry. In The Quarry, players can find and kill Silas for the White Wolf Achievement. Which is one of the numerous endings.

Six years have passed since the big fire disaster that rescued Silas. The Dog Boy, from his cage, as the events of The Quarry unfold. The White Werewolf, who is responsible for all of the curses in the area, is the story’s main enemy. Since the fire, more tragedies have occurred. Leaving the Hacketts with little choice except to hunt the White Werewolf once and for all.

Silas has been pursue by the family for many years, but they have never succeeded in killing him. However, as the story progresses. The protagonists may have the opportunity to kill the White Werewolf and free all of the victims. But they’ll have to go through various steps in different chapters to do so. This is what people in The Quarry must do to murder Silas.

How To Get The White Wolf Achievement By Killing Silas In The Quarry

How To Kill Silas In The Quarry
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Players must execute particular actions in Chapters 7, 9, and 10 to kill Silas in The Quarry. The White Wolf Achievement will awarded if you complete this task successfully.

Chapter 7: Don’t Shoot Travis

How To Kill Silas In The Quarry
How To Kill Silas In The Quarry

Travis imprisons Laura and Max in the police station in Chapter 7. After Laura observes Max’s change, players given the opportunity to explore the station.

A tranquilizing syringe can found inside one of the cupboards on the second floor in the last room. Hide it behind the loose brick in Laura’s cell.

How To Kill Silas In The Quarry
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Laura pretends to be unwell after a while, and Travis comes to check on her. To use the syringe on him and knock him out, complete the QTEs as rapidly as possible.

ALSO READ: The Quarry: How To Save Jacob

Chapter 9: Accept The Bite And Shoot Chris

the quarry ryan final confrontation
the quarry ryan final confrontation

Ryan will be bleeding profusely in Chapter 9 owing to a stab wound inflicted by Bobby. Accept Laura’s offer to infect him by biting his arm in order for him to heal. This will assure Ryan’s survival.

This is a critical step; if he doesn’t, he’ll die in the next chapter, making meeting Silas impossible.

encountering Silas 6
encountering Silas 6

Shoot Chris to cure Max, Laura, and Ryan after Ryan and Laura fall through the ground with werewolf Chris. Travis will spare Laura after she turns human because she didn’t shoot him in chapter seven.

After that, select the SUSPICIOUS dialogue while controlling Laura.

Chapter 10: Kill Silas

how to kill silas in the quarry the white wolf
how to kill silas in the quarry the white wolf

Wait until Laura is a playable character in the final chapter before driving with Travis and Ryan to find Silas. When the creature assaults Laura, completing all of the QTEs correctly. And selecting TAKE WHEEL leads the gang to run over the monster with the car before getting out. And searching for Silas on foot.

Silas ultimately discovered curled up in his cage, where a large fire has erupted. To earn the White Wolf Achievement, players must first select the RAISE GUN option before shooting Silas to cure everyone.

On PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, The Quarry is available.