Obsidian Fieldlands Location In Pokemon Legends Arceus. Pokemon Legends: Arceus, perhaps more than any previous Pokemon game before it. strongly pushes players to catch all of them. However, with 242 Pokemon available throughout the game, this endeavour a lot easier said than done. 85 of these are linked to the game’s initial region, the Obsidian Fieldlands. Though players with Sword & Shield save data on their Switch can also find Shaymin here.
Tom Bowen’s June 15, 2022 update: Most players should have finished the main story in Pokemon Legends: Arceus by now. However, with a total of 242 Pokemon accessible, finishing the Hisui Pokedex and facing Arceus might be time consuming. The good news is that 85 of these Pokemon can found in the Obsidian Fieldlands sector of the dex. Making it one of the game’s most diverse and productive areas. The following guide, which, in addition to identifying the locations of every Pokemon in the Obisidian Fieldlands. Has recently updated to include information regarding the area’s Alpha and Space-Time Distortion Pokemon, may useful to those seeking to catch them all.
Every Pokemon in the Obsidian Fieldlands

Alpha Pokemon in the Obsidian Fieldlands

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The Obsidian Fieldlands contain 19 Alpha Pokemon. Though not all of them may found right immediately. This is because in order to properly explore the region, players will need to befriend Basculegion and Sneasler, with certain locations only accessible by climbing or swimming. The table below lists all 19 Alpha Pokemon in the Obsidian Fieldlands, along with their levels and spawning areas.
Space-Time Distortions

Despite the fact that Eevee, Leafeon, and Sylveon are the only Space-Time Distortion Pokemon in the Obsidian Fieldlands section of the Pokedex, there are lots of other Pokemon that players may encounter while exploring a rift. Gengar, Johtonian Sneasel, and Weavile, among others, may only captured inside the area’s Space-Time Distortions, along with Leafeon. Because Sneasel and Weavile considered rare spawns, they will appear far less frequently than the other 11 Pokemon that can be encountered.