The Quarry: How To Save Jacob. If you’re looking for a way to save Jacob in the Quarry, here are several suggestions. The Quarry follows a group of people who are attempting to survive a terrifying encounter. And their success is contingent on your decisions. In a horror film, Jacob is the classic jock who causes more problems than he solves. Here’s how to save Jacob in the Quarry if you want to save him from himself.
Table of Contents
Jacob’s Quarry: General Advice

It goes without saying that guide will contain some major spoilers, so forewarned. In addition, we’re documenting the major events here, i.e., the instances when Jacob could die. There are a lot of different parameters in the game. And there are a lot of various ways pathways can branch. Small decisions can have major ramifications.
While making the best option is critical, you must also pass skill tests. Some scenarios outcomes may influenced by quick-time events and other reaction tests. Everything may not line up perfectly, but if you follow the steps below. Jacob should be able to escape Hackett’s Quarry relatively unscathed.
Check out how to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry to learn how to make sure. She makes it out of Hackett’s Quarry alive.

Jacob can only die for the first time if you make a really bad mistake. Jacob hears Abi scream and rushes into the woods to help when Nick attacked. Soon after, you’ll be back at the fire pit, this time as Ryan. Something is moving in the woods, and Ryan can fire the shotgun into the bushes if you want him to. I don’t think I need to tell you how horrible of an idea that is.
Ryan will shoot and kill Jacob if he shoots into the bushes a second time. Now, while Jacob dying in a bush and never seen again for rest of the game is morbidly amusing. The poor lad doesn’t deserve it, so don’t fire without cause. If you don’t fire, Jacob will return to the gang.
Check out how to save Abigail in The Quarry if you want to keep your cast alive.
ALSO READ: Where To Find All Collectibles In The Quarry

Jacob spends a lot of the game roaming around in his underwear in the woods. He’ll get ensnare in a snare trap after he leaves the gang to go retrieve Emma. Bobby will show up and slay him. While you’re on the ground, toss dirt in Bobby’s face to offer Jacob the opportunity to flee.
They will attacked by a werewolf after Jacob discovers Emma. They’ll run for it, and that’s exactly what you should do. Just keep running no matter what happens. Jacob will find himself in a field of bear traps, and he will stand in one because he is Jacob. Unfortunately, you have no choice except to wait for the lad to captured. When Jacob wakes up, he finds himself carried into a cage by Bobby, right next to Nick. Who has transformed into a full-fledged werewolf.
Check out how to save Laura in The Quarry to understand how to finish Laura’s narrative without losing her.

Jacob will have to wait for Ryan and Laura in the electrified cage. It’s up to Ryan to get him out when they do. Jacob informs Ryan that the cages controlled by a box on the wall. So Ryan must figure out way to free Jacob without letting werewolf Nick out. There are multiple switches in the box, and selecting the incorrect one can be disastrous.
The switches thankfully labeled, but picking them in the wrong order could result in Jacob’s death. Pull switch number one first, then number two to open the main gate in the correct order. Then, to open Jacob’s door, pull switch number two and switch number three. This will safely get him out of the region, and he will be able to exit through the caves.
You’ve now ensured his safety and figured out way to save Jacob at The Quarry. Check out our guide on how to save Emma in The Quarry for more information.