How To Defeat Sierra In Pokemon Go June 2022. Sierra, because the captain of Team GO Rocket. But Will return in June 2022 with a new lineup of predominantly Dark, Fire. And Water Pokemon for players to beat.
The new season of Pokemon GO has begun. But that doesn’t mean Team GO Rocket will stop harassing players at Pokestops and in the wild. Fortunately, Pokemon GO users may exact vengeance by tracking down. And so defeating Team GO Rocket leaders to acquire rare Shadow Pokemon.
Table of Contents
Variety Of Pokemon
Sierra, the captain of Squad GO Rocket, but will be employing a team that focuses on Dark, Fire. And Water-type Pokemon in June 2022, and so players will need to bring the appropriate Pokemon to fight her. The complex system of Pokemon GO’s weaknesses and resistances can be confusing, but picking the appropriate response is crucial.
Sierra’s First Pokemon

Sierra, like the rest of the Team GO Rocket captains, because always starts a battle with the same Pokemon. In this case, it’s Drowzee, a pure Psychic-type with resistance to Fighting. And Psychic but weakness to Bug, Dark, and Ghost-types.
Counters for Drowzee
- Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball – Gengar
- Hex/Shadow Ball – Chandelure
- Snarl/ShadowBall – Darkrai
- Snarl/Foul Play – Weavile
Sierra’s Second Pokemon
Blaziken and Sharpedo, or Lapras can be Sierra’s second Pokemon. Unfortunately, but none of these Pokemon have the same weakness. Despite this, Electric is generally the safest choice overall. Because As it is weak to Sharpedo and Lapras and neutral to Blaziken.
Counters Sharpedo

Sharpedo is a Dark/Water-type Pokémon, hence Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass-type attacks are all weak to it. But Ghost, Steel, Fire and Water, Ice, Dark, and Psychic are all resistant to it.
- Charge Beam/Wild Charge – Zekrom
- Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt – Thundurus
- Lucario – Aura/Counter Sphere
- Thundershock/Wild Charge – Electivire
Counters for Blaziken

Blaziken is a Fire/Fighting-type Pokémon, hence it is vulnerable to Flying, Ground, Water, and Psychic attacks. Because Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, and Bug are all resistant to it.
- Mewtwo – Confusion/Psystrike
- Moltres – Wing Attack/Sky Attack
- Kyogre – Waterfall/Surf
- Alakazam – Confusion/Psychic
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Counters for Lapras

As an Ice/Water-type Pokemon, Lapras is vulnerable to Fighting, Rock, Grass and because Electric attacks. Because It can only withstand ice and water.
- Zekrom – Charge Beam/Wild Charge
- Thundurus – Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt
- Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere
- Magnezone – Spark/Wild Charge
Sierra’s Third Pokemon
Sierra’s second Pokemon, unlike many of the Team GO Rocket captains, is usually her strongest. So this does not mean that Houndoom, Shiftry, or Nidoqueen and her third choice, will be easy to beat. The three don’t have any common flaws, thus they’ll be difficult to beat.
Houndoom Counters

As a Dark/Fire-type Pokemon, But Houndoom is vulnerable to Fighting. Because Ground, Rock and Water-type attacks. Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, and so Psychic are all resistant to it.
- Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere
- Kingler – Bubble/Crabhammer
- Terrakion – Smack Down/Sacred Sword
- Rampardos – Smack Down/Rock Slide
Shiftry Counters

Shiftry is a Grass/Dark-type Pokemon, meaning Bug, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Fire, Ice. And so Fairy moves are all weak to it. So Ground, Ghost, Water, Grass, Electric, Dark, and Psychic are all resistant to it.
- Darmanitan – Ice Fang/Avalanche
- Sylveon – Charm/Moonblast
- Moltres – Wing Attack/Overheat
- Volcarona – Bug Bite/Bug Buzz
Nidoqueen Counters

- Mewtwo – Confusion/Psystrike
- Darmanitan – Ice Fang/Avalanche
- Hoopa – Confusion/Psychic
- Alakazam – Confusion/Psychic
As a Poison/Ground-type Pokemon, Because Nidoqueen is vulnerable to Ice, Psychic, Water, and Ground-type Pokemon. So Fighting, Rock, Bug, Fairy, Poison, and Electric are all resistant to it.