How Do You Make Villagers Follow You In Minecraft. Villagers are one of the many different species that inhabit your blocky world in Minecraft, and they’ll usually have a lot of stuff they’re happy to trade with you. As a result, you might be wondering if it’s possible to persuade villagers to notice you in Minecraft so that you can create your own tiny market full of people selling various goods.
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In Minecraft, can you be followed by villagers? Answered
Unfortunately, there is no ‘Follow’ command or method for truly befriending Villagers so that they will follow you around on foot wherever you go.
Some players have tried pushing them around their environments to get them to where they want to go, while others have tried using fishing rods, although none of these methods is particularly eco-friendly.
Having said that, there are ways to navigate these helpful merchants about, but they won’t just follow you around on their own. Instead, you’ll have to transport them using a rail and a cart, or with the assistance of a ship.

Using a Boat to Transport a Villager
Approach a Villager and place a ship next to it. The Villager should sit inside it as soon as possible. To guide them to where you need them, leash the boat and then pull it around.
Using a Cart to Move a Villager in Minecraft
Build a railway line from the Villager you want to move all the way to your base or wherever you want them to go. If you place a Minecart near a Villager, they will likely sit in it. If you’ve provided your train energy, activate it or return it to your base.
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NiclasBlocko’s Minecraft on YouTube has a helpful video that we’ve embedded below to show you just how to do it.
That again, if you’re simply trying to persuade them to observe you on a regular basis, all hope isn’t completely lost. If you’re playing on PC, there are a number of mods you can use to enable them to follow you about Minecraft with relative ease.

Mods for Getting a Villager to Follow You in Minecraft
The appropriately called ‘Following Villagers’ mod is one of the most efficient mods for getting villagers to observe you in Minecraft. Villagers will keep an eye on you as long as you have an Emerald block in your hand until you put it away.
Furthermore, the mod was recently updated to work with the most recent 1.14 version of Minecraft.
Unfortunately, if you’re not playing Minecraft on a PC, you won’t be able to utilise the ‘Following Villagers’ mod. So you’ll just have to let your Villagers walk wherever they like.
That’s everything you need to know about whether or not you can persuade villagers to observe you in Minecraft. If you’re looking for more ideas, tips, and guidelines, look up Twinfinite or check out some of our other guides for the game down below.