Ancient Nightmare Event Guide In Diablo Immortal. This guide will assist players in completing the Ancient Nightmare event in Diablo Immortal. Which focuses on killing a boss in Mount Zavain.
Every Wednesday and Friday at 12pm, 8:30pm, and 10pm server time. Diablo Immortal’s Ancient Nightmare event challenges players to defeat a world boss. While the Ancient Nightmare is not tough to defeat in a group. Its mechanics may appear to be a little confusing at first. This guide will clear up any confusion about the Ancient Nightmare event in Diablo Immortal. And assist players in defeating the necessary boss.
Guide to Diablo Immortal: Ancient Nightmare

Players should notice that Ancient Nightmare has come when they arrive on Mount Zavain at one of periods listed above. And they can use Diablo Immortal’s auto navigation tool to find it. Fans who are in the zone when the Ancient Nightmare appears should receive a notification. And selecting “OK” will move a character toward the boss automatically. If auto navigation fails to locate the Ancient Nightmare in the Misty Valley. Players can simply look for it in the Misty Valley.
Diablo Immortal players must follow the Ancient Nightmare after finding it. And waiting for it to pass by one of the area’s Altars. When this happens, supporters should approach the Altar and feed it a Zakarum Sigil. This action will cause a dome of light to rise from the Altar. Temporarily removing the Ancient Nightmare’s shield and allowing players to attack the boss.
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Northwest Corner of The Zakarum Graveyard

Lord Martanos, another boss in Diablo Immortal that appears in Mount Zavain, is where you get Zakarum Sigils. Martanos can spawned at Martanos Altar, which is located in the crypt at the northwest corner of Zakarum Graveyard. And players can fight him every 30 minutes. While it not necessary for a player to have enough Sigils to complete Ancient Nightmare event on their own. It may be advantageous to have a few on hand before confronting the monster.
Fans should now simply repeat the procedure of removing and damaging the Ancient Nightmare shield until the enemy defeated. Players should obtain the Nilfur’s Precision Vessel as a reward for their first kill. Which may delivered to Iben Fahd’s Sanctum to grant a Diablo Immortal character increased armor penetration. On consecutive kills, fans should earn access to a chest with goodies. Providing them a reason to return to Mount Zavain and participate in the event again.