How To Get Goldbrand In Skyrim. Skyrim gamers interested in obtaining the Goldbrand fire katana can learn more about the A Matter of Pride quest here.
Goldbrand is a formidable fire katana that first appeared in Morrowind. And is now available to Skyrim gamers that have the Goldbrand Creation installed. Fans will need to finish a quest called A Matter of Pride to earn the sword. Which can be rather challenging.
This tutorial covers how to begin the A Matter of Pride task. And the numerous hurdles that players will face as they strive to complete. It for those interested in obtaining Goldbrand in Skyrim.
Erik Petrovich updated this page on June 9, 2022: Skyrim has recently received an update. A Matter of Pride is a questline that awards the Goldbrand Katana to players who complete it. It’s a fantastic weapon. But knowing where to go for the Skyrim Goldbrand location is only half the battle. The questline has a lot of tasks to fulfill. But it well worth an hour of your time, especially if Goldbrand a good fit for your build. As a one-handed enchanted weapon, it’s best in hands of a battlemage who can boost its Fire damage with perks. But deadly fast-swinging Katana can used by anybody. When it comes to how to gain Goldbrand in Skyrim. Make sure you first level up to a decent Level 30. Or 40 so you can deal with the high-level opponents you’ll encounter.
Table of Contents
Stats and Abilities of the Skyrim Goldbrand Katana

Base Damage | Weight | Gold Value | Enchantments/Abilities | Improved With |
15 | 17 | 3413 | Deals 30 Fire damage on hit, increased vs. Burning enemies | Gold Ingots, requires Daedric Smithing perk |
Goldbrand a legendary Fire-enchanted Katana. That most players will not be able to obtain until they reach a very high level. It is, nevertheless, one of the greatest weapons in game, as well as one of few attainable Katanas in Skyrim. For Goldbrand, Skyrim requires players to complete a lengthy questline that can be difficult at first.
Goldbrand’s base damage is 15, which does not appear to be a lot. It can, however, swing quicker than most other weapons in the game. And Goldbrand’s enchantment is effective against most enemy kinds in Skyrim. While non-organic opponents are immune to Fire damage, almost everything else in the game is vulnerable to it. In Skyrim, Goldbrans essentially a borderline broken weapon in the right hands (with the right perks and build).
How to Begin the Skyrim Quest “A Matter of Pride”

The first step in getting Goldbrand is to start the Matter of Pride quest. Which you can accomplish by going to the Sacellum of Boethiah east of Windhelm. Fans will see the slaying of a character named Eranya when they get at this place. And as they approach the body, the quest will begin.
When this happens, players should take a diary from Eranya’s body. And read it to find out what they should do next. That order is to find the old warrior’s tomb. Which located just north of Windhelm in a dungeon called Sivdur’s Respite.
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Walkthrough for Skyrim: A Matter of Pride

Get to Level 40 first
At this point, the quest becomes a little more tough. So Skyrim aficionados should at least level 40 with a good set of gear before continuing. Players should fight their way through the cultists inside Sivdur’s Respite and study Eranya’s Notes on Sivudr’s Tomb. Which may found on a crate near a blocked corridor.
Eranya’s Notes in the Arcanaeum
From here, fans should go to the College of Winterhold Arcanaeum and read Eranya’s Research Notes on the ground. Two new quest objectives will triggered as a result of reading these notes. One is to collect Sivdur’s amulet from Lars Battle-Born. And the other is to locate Sivdur’s betrayer in Shroud Hearth Barrow.
It will also summon two cultists into the area. So gamers should prepared for a fight.

Magrathi’s Skull and Shroud Hearth Barrow
After the cultists have been defeat, fans should travel to Whiterun to speak with Lars Battle-Born about receiving the amulet. They should then travel to Shroud Hearth Barrow. Which is located on the east side of the big mountain in the center of Skyrim’s map. And work their way through the dungeon’s different traps. And Draugars until Magrathi dispatch and skull taken. Fans should be aware that this will not be a simple task. And they should prepared for some rough fights.
The Fire Katana And The Final Fight
Players can now return to Sivudr’s Tomb. And set the amulet and skull on the pedestals on either side of the obstructed tunnel. This move will clear the way for fans to confront some challenging Draugars. And traps once again as they trek through the tunnels. These tunnels will eventually bring players to a room with Goldbrand. And they should pick up this unique blade in Skyrim to add it to their collections.