Grafted Blade Greatsword Location In Elden Ring. There has never been a finer time to be a player of Strength. While using Greatswords, Glaives, Hammers, and other high-Strength weapons has always been a viable approach in past From Software games, Elden Ring has upped the ante with a larger, more diverse array of Greatswords, Glaives, Hammers, and other high-Strength weapons than ever before.
There may be a plethora of possibilities, but that doesn’t mean that some Strength weapons aren’t superior than others. The Grafted Blade Greatsword is near the top of the list. However, obtaining it—and achieving the stats required to wield it—requires some effort.
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Grafted Blade Greatsword explained
The Grafted Blade Greatsword is a mythical sword made composed of… lesser swords. It deals 162 base Physical Damage, but this increases as your Strength increases. The weapon can deal well over 1,000 points of damage each hit when used two-handed and levelled all the way up to +10.

Its Skill, Oath of Vengeance, is also highly potent, adding five points to all of your Attributes and raising Poise for 30 seconds. It may not be the most flashy weapon Skill in the game, but the result is quite strong. It’s particularly useful in boss battles, where you’ll need all the stat boosts you can obtain.
There is, however, a catch: wielding the Grafted Blade Greatsword requires a whopping 40 Strength. It’s a tall order, especially given how early in the game the weapon might be discovered. You can get there sooner than you expect with enough grinding, farming, and possibly respecing once you’ve defeated Rennalla.
Finding the Grafted Blade Greatsword

The Grafted Blade Greatsword may be found behind Castle Morne in Weeping Peninsula, at the map’s southernmost point. Take the main road south from Limgrave till you see the Golem archer defending the castle’s gate. Fight your way to the castle’s highest point. A break in the wall to your south can be found there. Below is a link to the Grace Site.
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Continue down to the shore, dropping onto numerous rock ledges, rooftops, and rafters along the way. Finally, jump from the Jellyfish-infested ocean below the tiny wooden bridge. The Grafted Blade Greatsword lies only beyond the fog door ahead, but first you must defeat a boss, as you would have predicted.
Beating Leonine Misbegotten

In Elden Ring’s early game, Leonine Misbegotten is one of the fastest and most aggressive bosses you’ll face. The battle is a challenge of stamina management; blocking sword swipes or panic-rolling might deplete your stamina and leave you defenceless. To defeat him, you’ll need to take a more strategic approach.
To begin, you’ll need a summon by your side to provide you some breathing room during this battle. This is especially true if you’re working on a long-term strategy. The Lone Wolf Ashes is a fantastic early-game Spirit Summon, but any Spirit Summon with respectable toughness will suffice.

You can also enlist the aid of the NPC Edgar in the fight. To begin, speak with his daughter, Irina, at the main road in Weeping Peninsula’s northwestern corner. Deliver her letter to Edgar, who can be found sitting on Castle Morne’s roof. After that, look to the left of the fog door for his summon sign.
Grafted Blade Greatsword Location In Elden Ring
If you’re going to utilise a shield, we recommend the Barricade Shield Ash of War, which is dropped by the Night’s Cavalry patrolling near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace at night. You can also use the Great Turtle Shell Shield, which has the Skill and can be found on top of the tower directly east of the same Site of Grace (take the Spiritspring to get there). This effect minimises the amount of Stamina you lose when you block attacks. Blocking and Guard Countering Leonine Misbegotten’s strikes is a possible approach, but without Barricade Shield, you’re unlikely to have the stamina to pull it off this early in the game.

This boss has a powerful attack, but his moveset is quite simple, consisting primarily of sword slashes and slams. You can roll away from the majority of his hits with moderate ease if you’re using a shieldless melee build. Get some distance to entice him to use his jump attacks, which will leave him defenceless for a few seconds, allowing you to inflict some damage. Don’t be a glutton for punishment! Swing in only if it’s safe to do so. Stamina management is crucial once again.
You’ll be rewarded with the Grafted Blade Greatsword and 3,800 Runes after Leonine Misbegotten is dead. You’ll be holding the legendary weapon in no time if you invest those points in Strength.