How To Beat Skeletron In Terraria. Terraria has a variety of bosses that you might confront as you travel through the game. After defeating the first boss, Skeleton, in the game’s hardcore level, the majority of the game’s content becomes available.
where to get the skeleton
You must speak with the old guy standing at the dungeon’s entrance during the night to summon the skeleton. The dungeon entrance can be found on the map’s far right or left side. This will differ depending on your Terraria world’s seed. We encourage checking both sides because it’s never a bad idea to explore your own universe. It is an excellent idea to travel during the day and come home at night. If you converse to the elderly man during the day, he will beg you to come back at night, and he will turn into a skeleton.

If your character has less than 300 health or 10 defences, the old man will tell you that they are “too weak” to release their curse. Before attempting to lift the curse, you’ll need to improve your health and armour. You can achieve this by manufacturing armour to boost your character’s overall strength, or by digging for life crystals to boost their maximum health bar. Even if you are below these stats, you have the option to activate it; nevertheless, this is not suggested.
Skeleton appears as a floating head with two massive arms when summoned. These arms and hands have the ability to travel through walls and cause damage. Skeleton is killed primarily to remove its head, which aids in the defeat of Hands.
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how to fight skeleton
During the battle, you must be cautious of two attacks. The first entails removing the skeleton’s hand. After the skeleton roars and its head begins to rotate, the second occurs. Players receive damage if they knock their heads while turning. When the head is spinning, however, it is more vulnerable, providing an opportune opportunity to deliver the most harm.
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You don’t want to confront a skeleton too early in the morning or too late at night. When the day arrives, the skeleton’s head becomes invulnerable, and its head begins to turn rapidly, dealing greater damage against you and typically killing you in one hit.

The elderly man will no longer be in the world once you’ve defeated the skeleton, and you’ll be able to visit the dungeon whenever you wish. For those playing on Master Mode, it can drop low healing potions, a skeleton mask, a skeleton arm, a book of skulls, skeleton trophies, chippy couches, or captured skills and skeletal remnants.
In Terraria, you can obtain entry to the dungeon and many more pieces of material after beating the skeleton.