Solar 3.0 Warlock Build Complete Guide: Destiny 2. Has arrived, but what does this entail for Warlocks? This guide will go over all of the new features and fragments.
Bungie has launched the Solar 3.0 update for Destiny 2 alongside the Season of the Haunted, following the Void 3.0 subclass update. Warlocks have hit particularly hard by the adjustments, but the overall attitude on the Solar changes lukewarm at best.
While some aspects of the Warlock’s kit have virtually stripped (for example, the bottom-tree Dawnblade), others have enlarged and modified. Mobility has received a lot of attention, with two out of every three Warlock Solar aspects dealing with it. In Destiny 2, here’s how Warlocks can construct around Solar 3.0.
Table of Contents
Solar 3.0 Warlock Build Complete Guide: Destiny 2
Aspects, Fragments, and Solar Abilities

Players will be able to customise their Solar subclass to meet their preferences and needs, much like they can with Void and Stasis. Bungie has yet to grant access to a few extra fragments at the time of writing this guide, but these missing pieces unlikely to have a substantial impact on the way Warlock builds created. What sticks out in each new ability category listed below.
Abilities of the Solar Class

Players now have access to all class abilities, independent of Super, including the unique bottom-tree Phoenix Dive, which can be a good match for a Well of Radiance build. Phoenix Dive also heals nearby teammates, and Heat Rises scorches opponents while restoring the player. The Rift’s abilities basically unchanged.
Solar Battles

Players can pick between the old Celestial Fire melee, a favourite among top-tree Dawnblade Warlocks, and a brand-new melee called the Incinerator Snap in the melee section. Warlocks may set targets on fire with the snap of their fingers, burning them. Celestial Fire still has the greatest range and consistency of the two melees, making it suitable for Elemental Well setups that rely on Melee Wellmaker mods.
Solar Grenades

Incendiary, Tripmine, Thermite, and Swarm Grenades are all new to this category. The Healing Grenade from Dawnblade’s middle tree is now its own grenade, making it the weakest option because players will have to give up their major attacking skill.
Solar Grenade and Fusion Grenade are still the best options, especially when combined with the Touch of Flame element.
Solar Aspects

Touch of Flame, Heat Rises, and Icarus Dash are the three new aspects available to warlocks. Heat Rises and Icarus Dash are must-haves for PVP Warlocks, and Heat Rises and Touch of Flame are a must-have for PVE Warlocks.
- Touch of Flame: Grenades now have more capabilities. Solar Grenades, for example, now fire lava blasts, while Fusion Grenades now detonate twice instead of one.
- Heat Rises: Warlocks can use their grenade to float in the air and use their skills and weapons while doing so. Kills while flying lengthen the duration and give you the ability to charge melee.
Icarus Dash: Warlocks dodge while in the air, and players get two dodges if Heat Rises enabled. - Icarus Dash: is by far the weakest of the bunch, with the least amount of adaptability.
Solar Fragments

Although not all fragments have released yet, there are a handful that gamers should try as soon as possible. Esoterickk used these fragments in his solo Duality run, and they’re great for Warlocks who want to live for a long period and deal with foes at close range.
- Ember of Eruption: Solar ignitions have a larger eruption.
- Ember of Searing: Killing scorched targets charges grenade energy.
- Ember of Wonder: Rapid multikills with Solar ignitions drop Orbs of Power.
- Ember of Ashes: Players apply more scorch stacks to targets.
Another way that players can try is gmeiners’ Solar 3.0 Warlock build guide, which allows players to spam Solar Grenades in an almost endless amount of time. In his guidance, he recommends the following fragments:
- Ember of Searing: Killing scorched targets charges grenade energy.
- Ember of Torches: Powered melee hits apply the Radiant damage buff on the player and nearby allies.
- Ember of Blistering: Killing targets with Solar ignitions grants grenade energy.
- Ember of Ashes: Players apply more scorch stacks to targets.
Searing and Ashes are two extremely potent fragments based on this. However, there are a few honourable mentions, some of which are currently unavailable:
- Ember of Eruption: Ignitions have an increased area of effect.
- Ember of Char: Ignitions spread scorch to enemies.
- Ember of Solace: Increased duration of restoration and Radiant buffs.
This season’s equivalent of Volatile expected to be the Ember of Char, which will result in a Solar explosion. It will be interesting to see how well it couples up once gamers are able to unlock it.

When it comes to Supers, there isn’t much new for Warlocks. You choose between Daybreak and Well of Radiance, but bear in mind that some characteristics that were previously available for both Supers now hidden behind pieces.
Daybreak’s tracking, for example, has nerfed, and strikes no longer enhance its duration. Meanwhile, Overshield no longer available from Well of Radiance, but its total damage neutralisation has improved.
Artifact Mods & Mods

This season, Elemental Well mods are still highly potent, and Solar has its own distinct flavour, with a concentration on ability regeneration and healing. Here are a few common mods to look out for:
All Elemental Well Mods: Both general (Elemental Ordnance, Melee Wellmaker) and solar (Elemental Ordnance, Melee Wellmaker) (like Bountiful Wells, Well of Life, and Well of Ordnance).
- Taking Charge, High Energy Fire, as well as Innervation, Recuperation, and Orb-making mods like Harmonic Siphon, are some Orb Of Power mods.
- Season 17’s artefact contains numerous interesting Solar mods, but most of them sealed in the last column, so players will have to farm them over time. Here are a few to keep an eye on:
Solar abilities weaken Champions. Withering Heat: Solar abilities weaken Champions. Excellent for PVE modes with a large number of Champions.
- Withering Heat: Solar abilities weaken Champions. Great for PVE modes that have loads of Champions.
- Classy Restoration: Using Solar class abilities regenerates health.
- Radiant Orbs: Picking up Orbs of Power grants the Radiant damage buff.
- Rays Of Precision: Solar precision final blows ignite targets while the player has the Radiant damage buff.
- Solar Fulmination: Ignitions do more damage and have an improved radius.
Weapons & Gear
While it’s still early in the season, and balance tweaks are on the way, there are a few early favourites in terms of weapons and Exotic gear that Warlocks should focus on to get the most out of Solar 3.0.
Some must-haves for exotics include
- Sunbracers: The absolute go-to for any Solar grenade-spam build. Solar Grenades last longer, and Solar melee kills give unlimited grenade energy for a short time.
- Starfire Protocol: Fusion Grenades have another charge, and gain charge from empowered weapon damage. Kills with Fusion Grenades grant Rift energy.
- Rain Of Fire: New Exotic introduces in season 17, dodging while airborne reloads weapons and improves fusions and linear fusions. Final blows with these weapons grant the Radiant buff.
Exotics that combine well with Well of Radiance, such as Lunafaction Boots, Phoenix Protocol, and The Stag, are also strong (but not spectacular) Exotics that are staples in Solar setups.
Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2

Players should invest in a Solar Energy weapon to boost the effectiveness of any of their Solar Elemental Well setups. Those who have the Vex Mythoclast can use it in conjunction with several Solar setups, particularly the new Rain of Fire Warlock Exotic. There are also a plethora of fantastic Legendary Solar Energy weapons, with Season of the Haunted introducing a few new ones. Here are some things to keep an eye on:
- Ogma PR6 Pulse Rifle
- Stars In Shadow Pulse Rifle
- Vision of Confluence Scout Rifle
- Staccato-46 Scout Rifle
- CALUS Mini-Tool
The DPS meta for heavy weapons is still rather open. Rockets are being used less and less, and the Stormchaser linear fusion rifle from the Duality dungeon has emerged as the DPS king so far. Players searching for Solar alternatives, in particular, should concentrate on obtaining a Cataclysmic from the Vow of the Disciple raid, which has decent damage but not as much as the Stormchaser.