How To Become The Boss Of The Mafia In Bitlife. In BitLife, becoming the ruler of a Mafia crime family might take a long time. You must not only acquire enough reputation to join the Mafia in the first place. But you must also work your way up through the various authority figures to gain their trust. There are various ways to accomplish this, but the most effective method is to gain enough notoriety. And respect from a large number of people. Here’s all you need to know about running a Mafia in BitLife.
When you reach the age of 18, you can join a Mafia through. The Special Careers tab on the Occupation page. Just like any other full-time career. You’ll need to choose a Mafia group from the list. Each will have a distinct renown degree that reflects their status.
Mafia Crime Family In BitLife

You’ll continue going through the different available crimes you’ve already committed after joining the family. The only difference is that you’ll be giving it to your Mafia family. Each time you help the family. Yur relationship with them improves slightly, and you get a little cut for your donation. It’s a fraction of what you could earn, but it should help you advance in the Mafia family. Like any other career in BitLife, you’ll want to make sure. You’re choosing to do some extra labor for the family.
How To Become The Boss Of The Mafia In Bitlife
Unless you have a strong relationship with the family’s head, we don’t recommend asking for promotions. If you get too close to a Mafia organization. They’ll suspect you’re a rat working for the government and will never trust you. Instead, wait for them to contact you and accept every offer from the family patriarch. These are excellent occasions to gauge your relationship with them and your chances of advancement in the future.
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As you continue to contribute to the family and commit crimes, you will eventually become the organization’s Underboss. Then, when the family’s leader dies, you’ll succeed them as boss of the Mafia family.