How To Get Loserfruit Skin In Fortnite. Kathleen Belsten, aka Loserfruit, is an Australian Twitch streamer and YouTuber. She presently has 3.3 million YouTube subscribers and signed to PWR, a gaming organisation founded by Lachlan, another creator who has his own Fortnite skin.
In the Fortnite item shop, you can purchase the Loserfruit skin. The Loserfruit bundle, like previous creator icon bundles, includes the skin, inspired harvesting tool, and emote. The Loserfruit combo sells for 1,800 v-bucks in particular. Buddy Bag, a back bling on her skin, included. Plushes of well-known Fortnite characters, such as Peely the banana, included in the backpack. The Loserfruit logo placed on the bottom of the bag.

A reactive pickaxe is uncommon in the Loserfruit bundle. Her Fruit Punchers harvesting tool consists of two fruit kebobs that come off when you strike them with them. That’s quite cool. Last but not least, her Bounce Berry emote shows your character watering a plant. The Loserfruit berry emblem will appear out of nowhere and bounce about.
If you don’t want to buy the bundle, you can get the skin, harvesting tool, and emote for 1,500, 800, and 300 v-bucks, respectively. The Loserfruit skin is usually available in the marketplace after a new artist receives a skin in the game, but Epic may add it at any time. So don’t be concerned if it isn’t available right now. It will very certainly resurface in the future.How To Get Loserfruit Skin In Fortnite.