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How To Play Co Op In Salt And Sacrifice

How To Play Co Op In Salt And Sacrifice. Players who want to play Salt and Sacrifice with friends or strangers will find information on how to do so here.

Salt and Sacrifice allows players to team up with friends and strangers in both local and online cooperative play. While it is not difficult to participate in the game’s co-op mode, it is not well explained in the game. As a result, the purpose of this tutorial is to explain. How to co-op in Salt and Sacrifice, and players. Who continue reading will learn how to use the options accessible to them.

How To Play Local Co-Op with Salt And Sacrifice

Players must connect a second input device and go to the game’s main menu to begin a local co-op session. Fans of Souls should hit a button on the second input device. To bring up a menu on the right side of the screen. Players will have the option to create or load a second character from this screen. After which co-op play will begin.

How To Play Online Co-Op with Salt And Sacrifice (Friend)

To play online co-op with a friend, you must first complete. The tutorial and travel to Pardoner’s Vale, the game’s hub location. Players will find an NPC named Runereader Diedela. At the bottom of this section, with a cooperation board to her right. The following graphics represent the path taken by a Salt and Sacrifice character. From the moment they enter Pardoner’s Vale to the relevant board:

Players will have the ability to host or join a cooperative session at the cooperation board. To host a session, independent video game lovers should make a password with the board’s runes, pick “host,” and then give their guest that password. The second player should enter the rune password at the collaboration board and click “join” to join the session.

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How To Play Online Co-Op with Salt And Sacrifice (Random)


Fans must grab and use the Pale Candle in order to partner up with a random player. Players must get to the point where they can enter through the gate to the right of the spawn site to find this item in Ashbourne Village, the game’s first section. Fans should drop down the wood scaffolding and utilise the door at the bottom-left corner, which is opened with Mage hearts, after passing through that gate.

Players should descend and utilise the first exit on the left to access Greymoss Mire after they reach the opposite side of that door. Swinging to the left with the Grappling Hook in this region will take players to an NPC who will return to Salt and Sacrifice’s Pardoner’s Vale. She will live in the building just beneath the cat in the hub area, and fans should chat with her there to obtain the Pale Candle.


To arrange a co-op session with a random player, fans must first erase the Spellmark with a Guiltless Shard. These artefacts are regularly dropped by Mages’ summoned opponents, and Salt and Sacrifice’s Marked Inquisitor is likely to come across them in a variety of other places.

Players must then use the Golden Candle, another item obtained in Ashbourne Village, to remove the Spellmark. To obtain this item, fans must turn left from the spawn location and enter the first cave they come across. Salt and Sacrifice players will then arrive in the Root-Ceil Cavern, where they must descend and find an exit on the right side’s centre. The Golden Candle can be found inside a chest right past that exit.

How To Play 3-Player Co-Op with Salt And Sacrifice

Three-player co-op is available in Salt and Sacrifice, albeit the third player’s experience will be limited. However, some fans will want to add a third person to their party, and here’s how to accomplish it:

  • Using the steps explained above, create a co-op session with one friend.
  • Go to the region of interest with all three players, including the one who is not currently in the session.
  • Open the pause menu and go to the network tab in settings for all three players.
  • Enter the same network password for all three players.
  • Ascertain that the host is not Spellmarked before instructing them to utilise the Golden Candle.
  • Use the Pale Candle on the third player.

Salt and Sacrifice is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.How To Play Co Op In Salt And Sacrifice.