How To Beat The Leader Sierra In Pokemon Go. The GO Rocket team is causing problems for the popular mobile game Pokemon GO once again. The inclusion of Team GO Rocket’s enemies has become popular with fans since their addition, as they frequently appear in PokeStops and hot air balloons. Players are unlikely to have much trouble with basic grunts, but the real prize for defeating these foes is the creation of Rocket Radar, which allows them to face stronger opponents like Cliff, Arlo, and Sierra.
GO Rocket Team Leaders aim to make battles more difficult by bringing stronger Pokemon to battle and offering better rewards for defeating them. Sierra, Arlo, and Cliff bring a new lineup of Pokemon every month, keeping players on their toes and not getting too comfortable. Dropping leaders during special events and missions can lead to Super Rocket Radar, which allows players to face Giovanni and obtain the ultimate Shadow Pokemon reward.
Team Sierra could be a real challenge for Pokemon GO players in May, as they have a lot of damage types that are incompatible. Fire and water, psychic and darkness, and a few good scales are all included. Here’s what to expect, as well as the Pokémon that will help them win.
Table of Contents
Sierra’s First Pokemon
Sierra will be leading her battles with Drowzee, a pure psychic type of Pokémon, during the month of May, and this will most likely be the easiest match of the three. As a result, players should prepare Bug, Dark, and Ghost attacks to expose Drowzee’s vulnerabilities. Because this Pokemon is likely to be the easiest for her, players should concentrate on removing her shields as quickly as possible so they can’t be used later.
Players can face this battle with the following powerful options:
- Darkrai with Snarl’s quick attack and shadow ball for charged attack.
- Hoba with Astonish’s Quick Attack and Shadow Ball for Charged Attack.
- Combine with Snarl’s quick attack and the faulty play of the charged attack.
- Chandelure with Hex’s Quick Attack and Shadow Ball for Charged Attack.
- Gengar with Shadow Claw’s quick attack and Shadow Claw’s charged attack.
- Ultimate with Snarl’s fast attack and chargeback attack.
Pokemon Sierra II
Just as with the other Pokemon GO Rocket Leaders, Sierra will have three possibilities for its second battle. In May 2022, players can watch Blaziken, Sharpedo or Lapras. Here’s how to deal with all three.
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As a dark and aquatic type Pokemon, Sharpedo is weak to Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass moves. This is also the easiest of the three options thanks to a large list of weaknesses and low health.
- Palkia with Dragon Tail’s fast attack and Draco Meteor for charged attack.
- Machamp has a rapid counter strike and a charged assault with Cross Chop or Rock Slide.
- Vileplume with a rapid strike from Razor Leaf and a charged attack from Moonblast or Sludge Bomb.
- Conkildor has a quick counterattack and a dynamic charged offensive punch.
- Roserade uses the rapid attack of Razor Leaf and the charged strike of Grass Knot.
- Alolan Exeggutor has a swift dragon tail attack and a charged attack of seed bomb or dragon pulse.
- Quick-Charging Zekrom For charged attacks, use Beam and Wild Charge.
Blaziken, who is both fire and fighting, is another double type. Pokemon with Psychic, Flying, Water, and Ground attacks are the best choices.

- Mewtwo uses the Psystrike charged attack and the rapid disorientation attack.
- Moltres uses his rapid Wing Attack and Sky Attack to charge his attack.
- Zen and Latios Spirituality fueled attack and Headbutt’s quick assault
- Fast waterfall assault and charged attack surfing Kyogre.
- Kazem charged his attack with swift disorientation and psychological onslaught.
- Hoppa attacks with bewilderment, speed, and mentality for a charged assault.
- Espeon has a spirituality-charged attack and a quick-distracting attack.
Pokemon Go
Of course, the Sierra has an ice/water type Pokémon called Lapras, which is extremely tough. While it is particularly vulnerable to Electric, Grass, Combat, and Rock types, players should be cautious of the Grass and Rock kinds because Lapras can counter them with his ice attacks. Lapras may easily remove low-health Pokémon, thus players should choose a more steady Pokémon for this match.

- Magnezone has a fast Spark strike and a charged attack called Wild Charge.
- Machamp has a rapid counter strike and a charged assault with Cross Chop or Rock Slide.
- Melmetal with Thunder Shock’s quick assault and superpower, or Rock Slide’s supercharged strike.
- Raikou for Charged Attack with Volt Switch Rapid Attack and Wild Charge.
- Lucario uses an Aura Sphere for a charged strike and has a quick counterattack.
- Quick-Charging Zekrom For charged attacks, use Beam and Wild Charge.
- Conkildor has a quick counterattack and a dynamic charged offensive punch.
Sierra III (Pokémon)
Players will confront another unknown encounter for the third and final round with Pokémon. Sierra has three prospective Pokémon to pick from, just like her former leaders, and players won’t know who it is until they reach this point. Players can see Houndoom, Shiftry, or Nidoqueen in May 2022. Here’s how to handle them all.

Rhyperior, a Dark/Fire Type Pokemon, is notably poor in combat, ground, rock, and water moves.
- For a charged strike, use a quick counterattack and a dynamic punch or smash.
- Machamp has a rapid counter strike and a charged assault with Cross Chop or Rock Slide.
- Rampardos charges his strike with a fast Smack Down and a Rock Slide.
- Rhyperior with a quick Smack Down attack and a charged Surf or Rock Wrecker assault.
- Kyogre with Charged Attack Hydropump and Quick Waterfall Attack.
- Groudon can use Quick Mud Shot Attack and Quake can use Charged Attack.
Shiftry, a Grass/Dark Type Pokemon, is particularly vulnerable to fairy, fight, ice, poison, fly, and fire techniques. Due of its lower health compared to the other two selections, this pokemon is also the easiest pick for many.
- Sylvaon with Moonblast or Psyshock for Charged Attack and Charm’s Quick Attack.
- Togekiss with Ancient Power and Quick Charge Attack or Flame Thrower for Charged Attack.
- Darmanitan is overheated by Fire Fang’s quick assault and charged strike.
- Hariyama uses a rapid counterattack in close combat, or a charged attack with a strong strike.
- Clefable has a quick Charm attack and a charged attack with Moonblast or Meteor Mash.
- Moltres overheating from quick wing attack and charged attack.
- Reshiram is overheated by Fire Fang’s quick attack and charged strike.
The Poison/Earth Pokémon Nidokoin is particularly vulnerable to Ice, Psychic, Water, and Earth movements.
- Psycho Cut’s rapid attack and Psystrike’s charged assault against Mewtwo.
- Hoppa attacks with bewilderment, speed, and mentality for a charged assault.
- Excadrill with a rapid Mudslap strike and a charged assault with Quake
- Mudslap’s rapid strike and Earthquake’s charged attack help Rhyperior.
- Kyogre with Charged Attack Hydropump and Quick Waterfall Attack.
- Pyschic for charged attack and Espeon for rapid mixing attack
- Landorus (Therian Forme) attacks with an earthquake-charged extrasensory assault.
Pokemon GO is now available on smartphones and tablets. How To Beat The Leader Sierra In Pokemon Go