Elden Ring All Armor Sets Locations. Elden Ring has a large number of armour sets, ranging from starting armour sets for each class to equipment dropped by NPCs and enemies. Each armour set in Elden Ring can found at the locations listed below.

Table of Contents
Elden Ring’s Light Armor Sets And Locations
- Alberich’s Set discovered in the great hall of the Fortified Manor in Leyndell, the Royal Capital.
- When Noble Sorcerers are in a big group of Wandering Nobles, they can drop the Aristocrat Set.
- The Nomadic Merchant in Liurnia of the Lakes sells the Astrologer Set, which is the starting equipment for the Astrologer class.
- Azur’s Glintstone Set – Obtainable through finishing Sorceress Sellen’s questline and ultimately siding with her. It’s where the Primeval Sorcerer Azul is.
- The Battlemage adversary found between the East and West Windmill Pastures drops the Battlemage Set.
- Two pieces of the Bloodsoaked Set can found on the ground at the Underground Roadside Site of Grace in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. The final piece looted from a corpse in the Mountaintops of the Giants, near the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace.
- Dancers dressed in blue dropped the Blue Festive Set at Dominula, Windmill Village.
- The Champion Set is a starting set for the Hero class that can purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Caelid’s south.
- Set of Commoners of the Lands Between Stormveil Castle and Leyndell, Royal Capital – Dropped by commoners across Stormveil Castle and Leyndell, Royal Capital. In Mt. Gelmir, the headband can found on a body.
- Lady Tanith drops the Consort’s Set if the player kills her.
- Depraved Perfumer Set – Depraved Perfumers drop this set around the Shaded Castle.
- During Sorceress Sellen’s questline, the Witch-Hunter Jerren drops the Eccentric Set.
- Errant Sorcerer Set – Found on corpses in Mt. Gelmir’s Hermit’s Village.
- Celebrants dropped a Festive Set at Dominula, Windmill Village.
- Fia’s Set – Fia drops this set at the completion of her mission.
- Finger Maiden Set – Near the Site of Grace, inside the Church of Inhibition.
- Ancestral Followers drop this fur set around Liurnia of the Lakes’ Ruined Labyrinth and Mausoleum Compound.
- The Godskin Apostle Set dropped at the bottom of the Divine Tower of Caelid by the Godskin Apostle.
- The Godskin Noble Set dropped on the bridge leading to Liurnia’s Divine Tower by the Godskin Noble.
- Goldmask’s Set – The Radiant Gold mask can found on the Altus Plateau’s destroyed bridge northeast of the Writheblood Ruins. After completing Brother Corhyn’s questline, the rest discovered on Goldmask’s body.
- Guardian Set – Found around Minor Erdtrees, dropped by Erdtree Guardians.
- Patches’ chest in Murkwater Cave contains the cloth outfit and trousers. The Nomadic Merchant on Mt. Gelmir can sell you the guilty hood.
- High Page Set has discontinued.
- Maleigh Marais dropped the House Marais Set in the Shaded Castle Castellan.
- The Ressurection Painting may found in the Artist’s Shack in Liurnia and taken to the graveyard east of Caria Manor to obtain the Juvenile Scholar Set. To get the set, touch the ghost seated in a chair in the graveyard.
- Crystal Crabs in Raya Lucaria Academy drop the Lazuli Glintstone Crown, which part of the Lazuli Sorcerer Set. Lazuli Sorcerers drop the robe, while Raya Lucaria Sorcerers drop the rest of the items.
- Patches dropped this leather set.
- The Leyndell Foot Soldiers patrolling the Altus Plateau dropped this Leyndell Soldier Set.
- After finishing Sorceress Sellen’s questline and siding with Sellen, Lusat’s Set can found in Sellia Hideaway.
- Marionette Soldier Set – Dropped by Marionette Soldiers across Liurnia of the Lakes and at Raya Lucaria Academy.
- Mushroom Set – The crown is located on a corpse hanging from a pillar ruin in the Lake of Rot’s southeast section. The rest of the set may found in Seethewater Cave, in a cavern populated by the Giant Poison Flower and mushroom people.
- Noble’s Set – Found at the East Windmill Pasture in Altus Plateau, in the heart of a circle of dancing Celebrants.
- The Nomadic Merchant’s Set can found under the altar in Mohg, the Omen’s boss room in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds’ Cathedral of the Forsaken Site of Grace.
- Old Noble Set – Dropped by Wandering Nobles in groups of Old Nobles.
- Page Set – Scattered over Leyndell, Royal Capital, and behind the Royal Moongazing Grounds Site of Grace in Caria Manor.
- After beating Malenia Blade of Miquella, Enia sold Malenia’s Set at the Roundtable Hold.
- Perfumer Set – Perfumers drop this set in the Perfumer’s Ruins.
- Preceptor’s Set – Found on Seluvis’ body after finishing Ranni’s questline in Seluvis’ Rise.
- The Nomadic Merchant in Ainsel River sells the Prisoner Set, which is the starting equipment for the Prisoner class.
- The Prophet Set is available from the Hermit Merchant in the Hermit Merchant’s Shack at Leyndell as starting equipment for the Prophet class.
- After defeating Rennala at Raya Lucaria Academy, Enia at the Roundtable Hold sold her the Queen of the Full Moon Set.
- Radahn Soldier Set – Radahn Soldiers around Fort Gael will drop this set.
- The Glintstone Sorcerer in the Raya Lucaria Academy drops the Raya Lucarian Sorcerer Set.
- After fighting Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree, Enia sold the Royal Knight Set at the Roundtable Hold.
- The Ruler’s Set discovered on a corpse northeast of the Grace Abandoned Coffin Site in the west Altus Plateau.
- Sage Set – Found in Liurnia of the Lakes’ Stillwater Cave.
- Sanguine Noble Set – Dropped by the Sanguine Noble north of the Yelough Anix Ruins in the Consecrated Snowfield.
- The Ancestral Follower Shaman in the Ancestral Woods of Siofra River has the chest and leg component of the Shaman Set. An Ancestral Follower Shaman chanting in the little ruins north of the Ancestral Woods drops the headgear.
- After completing Ranni’s questline, the Snow Witch Set may found in a chest at the back of the lift on the upper floor of Renna’s Rise.
- Sorcerer Rogier dropped the Spellblade Set at the Roundtable Hold.
- Traveler’s Set – Found deep beneath in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, in a side room with a large orange blossom near to the Haligtree Roots Site of Grace.
- The Traveling Maiden Set discovered on a corpse inside the Shack of the Lofty in the Giants’ northern Mountaintops.
- White Reed Set – Found in the Mountaintops of the Giants’ Spiritcaller’s Cave. They’re in a tunnel full with spirit wolves, on a corpse.
Elden Ring’s Medium Armor Sets And Locations

- Albinauric Set – Found in the room with the Omenkiller near the Volcano Manor’s guest hall.
- Bandit Set – The Bandit class’s first equipment. However, after entering Stormveil Castle but before battling Godrick the Grafted, the Nomadic Merchant in North Limgrave, the parts can purchased from Gatekeeper Gostoc. After offering Gostoc’s Bell Bearing, it can also obtained from the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold.
- Black Knife Set – discovered on a corpse near the archway behind Ordina in the Consecrated Grounds.
- The Bloodhound Knight drops this item at the Gelmir Hero’s Grave on Mt. Gelmir.
- Isolated Merchant in the Raya Lucaria Academy also sells the Blue Cloth Set, which is the starting equipment for the Warrior Class.
- Albinauric Wolfback Archers dropped this Blue Silver Set in the Consecrated Snowfield. If you kill Latenna in the Slumbering Wolf’s Shack, she will drop the entire set.
- Killing the Glintstone Zombies worshipping a statue in Raya Lucaria Academy yielded the Carian Knight Set.
- Merchant Kalé at the Elleh Church sells a chain set.
- Confessor Set – The Nomadic Merchant in Mt. Gelmir sells starting equipment for the Confessor class.
- Drake Knight Set – Found in a chest at Crumbling Farum Azula’s Dragon Temple Rooftop Site of Grace.
- Duelist Set – Duelists in Leyndell, Royal Capital, drop this set.
- After defeating Godfrey, First Elden Lord, and Hoarah Loux, Warrior, Enia sold the Elden Lord Set at the Roundtable Hold.
- Exile Soldiers drop the Exile Set.
- Godrick Foot Soldier Set – Dropped across Limgrave by Godrick Foot Soldiers.
- Haligtree Foot Soldier Set – Haligtree Foot Soldiers drop this set.
- Haligtree Soldier Set – Haligtree Soldiers drop this set in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
- Iron Set – Purchased from the Nomadic Merchant near the Grace Site of Castle Morne Rampart.
- Northern Mercenaries and Mounted Northern Mercenaries drop the Kaiden Set around Limgrave.
- The Land of Reeds Set is the starting equipment for the Samurai class and can found north of Caelid at the Isolated Merchant’s Shack.
- Leyndell Soldier Set – Dropped by Leyndell Soldiers throughout the Royal Capital of Leyndell.
- Mausoleum Soldier Set – Dropped around the Wandering Mausoleum by Mausoleum Foot Soldiers.
- Night Maiden Set – Dropped by Nokron and Nokstella’s Night Maidens.
- In Nokstella, Eternal City, Nox Swordstresses, Nox Priests, and Nox Monks drop the Nox Monk Set.
- Nox Swordstesses in Nokron and Nokstella drop the Nox Swordstress Set.
- The guy dual-wielding swords at the Lower Capital Church Site of Grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital, and the Omenkiller in the Perfumer’s Ruins both drop the Omenkiller Set.
- Perfumer Traveler’s Set – Found on a corpse in a corner of a building in Caelid’s swamp’s Street of Sages Ruins.
- Radahn Foot Soldier Set – Radahn Foot Soldiers drop this set around Caelid.
- Completed two assassinations for Lady Tanith at Volcano Manor and hunting with Knight Bernahl in Leyndell earned you the Raging Wolf Set.
- Raptor’s Set – An alternate starting set for the Bandit class, located in the chest beyond the false wall in Sage’s Cave.
- Raya Lucarian Foot Soldier Set – Dropped on the roadways of Liurnia of the Lakes by Raya Lucarian Foot Soldiers.
- Phantom Raya Lucarian Soldiers drop the Raya Lucarian Soldier Set in Carian Manor.
- The Ronin’s Set is a reward for completing Yura’s quest. If Shibari has possessed Yura, players can reclaim it in Mountaintops of the Giants by beating Shibari near the Zamor Ruins.
- Each item of the Rotten Duelist Set dropped by a different Rotten Duelist. The Consecrated Snowfield, Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs, and Ordina, Lirtugical Town all have them.
- After fighting Ensha of the Royal Remains, find the Royal Remains Set outside of Gideon Ofnir’s room at the Roundtable Hold.
- The Nomadic Merchant in the Mountaintops of the Giants sells the Vagabond Knight Set, which is the starting equipment for the Vagabond class.
- Vulgar Militia Set – Dropped near the Bestial Sanctum and Farum Greatbridge Sites of Grace by Vulgar Militiamen.
- One of three Nameless White Mask invaders dropped the War Surgeon Set in the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum at the Siofra River.
- The Ancient Hero of Zamor drops the Zamor Set at the end of the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave.
Heavy Armor Sets And Locations

- Defeat Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing in Leyndell, Ash’s Capital, to obtain the All-Knowing Set.
- Banished Knight Set – Banished Knights may drop both altered and unaffected versions of this set. Stormveil Castle, the Cathedral of Dragon Communion, Castle Sol, and the Crumbling Farum Azula all have these opponents.
- Knight Bernahl will drop Beast Champion Armor if he is killed. If not, he will eventually invade the Crumbling Farum Azula.
- The Blackflame Monks drop the Blackflame Monk Set. They can be cultivated near Caelid’s Divine Tower: Basement Site of Grace, or northwest of the Temple if Eiglay Site of Grace is chosen.
- Blaidd’s Set – Blaidd drops this set throughout Ranni’s questline.
- After defeating Elemer of the Briar in The Shaded Castle, Enia at the Roundtable Hold sold you the Briar Set.
- Bull-Goat Set – Reward for slaying Patches at the Volcano Manor’s Great Horned Tragoth.
- Cleanrot Set – Dropped in Caelid by Cleanrot Knights.
- Crucible Axe Set The Ordovis Boss, Crucible Knight, drops this set.
- The Crucible Tree Set may be found in the Deeproot Depths underneath Crucible Knight Siluria’s chest.
- Cuckoo Knight Set – Cuckoo Knights drop this set in Liurnia of the Lakes.
- Fingerprint Set – Found at Lord Contender’s Evergaol on the Mountaintops of the Giants, dropped by Roundtable Knight Vyke.
- Fire Monk Set – Dropped by Fire Monks in Liurnia of the Lakes’ eastern camps.
- Prelate foes in front of the Guardian’s Garrison in the Mountaintops of the Giants drop the Fire Prelate Set.
- Gelmir Knight Set – Found on a Gelmir Knight corpse in Gelmir Hero’s Grave.
- After defeating the Starscourge Radahn at Redmane Castle, Enia at the Roundtable Hold sold the General Radahn Set.
- Godrick Knight Set – Godrick Knights drop this set at Limgrave’s Gatefront Ruins or Fort Haight.
- Godrick Soldier Set – Dropped near the Gatefront Ruins by the Godrick Soldiers.
- The helm of the Haligtree Knight Set is discovered on a corpse near the Elphael Inner Wall Site of Grace. Haligtree Knights in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, drop the rest.
- Juno Hoslow and Hoslow’s Petal Whip dropped Hoslow’s Set as the last contract for the Volcano Manor questline.
- After defeating Godrick, the Knight Set was purchased from Twin Husks at the Roundtable Hold.
- The Leyndell Knight Set can be found in Liurnia of the Lakes, south of the Artist’s Shack.
- Lionel’s Set was discovered near the Lower Capital Church Site of Grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital, on a bed.
- The Draconic Tree Sentinel in Crumbling Farum Azula drops the Malformed Dragon Set.
- After defeating Maliketh, Enia sold Maliketh’s set in the Roundtable Hold.
- Mausoleum Knight Set – Mausoleum Knights drop this set around Liurnia of the Lakes.
- At night, the Night’s Cavalry Set may be found near the Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace in the Consecrated Snowfield. A hearse with two Night’s Cavalry protecting it can be found. The armour will be removed.
- Omen Set – Dropped by the Dung Eater in the Leyndell Royal Capital’s Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.
- Radahn Knights discovered in Caelid drop the Redmane Knight Set.
- Scaled Set – Reward for completing the Volcano Manor questline’s second of three assassination contracts from Lady Tanith.
- After killing three specified Chariots, obtain the Tree Sentinel Set from Auriza Hero’s Grave.
- D, Hunter of the Dead, drops a Twinned Set in eastern Limgrave.
- Enia of the Roundtable Hold sold the Veteran’s Set after murdering Commander Niall on the Castle Sol Rooftop.
Check out Pro Game Guides’ article What is the major progression route in Elden Ring? for more Elden Ring information.