How To Get The Volare Island Token In Lost Ark. Due to the cooperative mission you must complete, the Lost Ark Volare Island Token can be difficult to obtain. The adventure islands in Raiders of the Lost Ark only surface at random intervals, attracting the highest paying customers when they do. We’ll show you where you can find the mysterious Lost Ark Volare Island and its token collectible.
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Volare Island situated in the southern gulf of the North Vern continent, in the geographic centre of the globe. It best reached from the east via Port Krona, and located just north of the Lost Ark Revelry Row island. Despite its proximity to a significant early-game area, Volare Island is not accessible until the end-game.
It requires access to the Lost Ark ships, as well as having reached equipped item level 250, which essentially the start of the end-game, making it one of the better islands to begin your Island Token collecting adventure with. Because it’s an adventure island, you’ll have to wait till it’s ready. Check your Procyon’s Compass and look for the timer to see when it spawns.
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When you get on the island, a three-minute timer starts, and the cooperative mission begins. Once the game starts, you’ll need to interact with a mission giver who will marked on your map, and then everyone’s goal will to kill a group of crocodiles in the island’s centre.
They confined in a pit, so you’ll have to kill them all with a succession of cannons strewn across the island. To do so, you and the other players will need to search the island for cannonballs and harpoons, which will allow you to fire the cannons for a limited time and kill the crocodiles. Harpoons are easy to come by, but you’ll have to hunt out demon clowns to get the cannonballs. Because cannonballs are more powerful, you should use them first to finish the objective faster.

When you’ve killed all the crocs and dropped into the middle, you’ll find two Secret Chests of Volare, each of which has a chance to drop the Volare Island Token when opened. You may have to repeat the island a few times due to the RNG of these drops.
That concludes our guide to obtaining the Lost Ark Volare Island Token, and you now know where to discover the island and how to obtain its token.
Check out the Lost Ark Gesbroy Island analysis if you’re looking for more islands to conquer.