How To Get Bewitching Branches Elden Ring. The Bewitching Branches of Elden Ring can used to briefly charm certain opponents, and this tutorial explains how to obtain them.
Bewitching Branches intriguing artefacts in Elden Ring that can used to lure enemies and temporarily change them into allies. While these consumables do not function on every adversary in the game, they can be handy in certain situations, such as while facing Commander Niall. This article contains information on many ways to obtain Elden Ring’s Bewitching Branches for those who want to try them out for themselves.
It’s worth noting that while establishing a new Elden Ring character, you can get one Bewitching Branch as a keepsake. A corpse roughly northwest of the Church of Pilgrimage in Weeping Peninsula can also looted for one of these goods. These two Bewitching Branches won’t there for long, but they listed here for completeness’ sake.
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How To Get Bewitching Branches In Elden Ring

A shopkeeper in Elden Ring, which is located immediately north of Bellum Church in Liurnia, may sell you five. On the map above, the exact location of this NPC has marked, and the branches they sell cost 1,600 Runes. If a player still requires Bewitching Branches after purchasing these five, they should proceed to the next section, which explains how to make them.

Fans must obtain a copy of Fevor’s Cookbook [3] in order to make Bewitching Branches. After viewing the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum at Mohgwyn Palace, speak with Gideon Ofnir in Roundtable Hold to receive this book. There are two routes to get to Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring, and regardless of which approach used, players should work their way across the region and reach the Mausoleum:
- In Elden Ring, complete White Mask Varre’s questline.
- Assemble Elden Ring’s Haligtree Secret Medallion, travel to the Consecrated Snowfield via the Grand Lift of Rold, and use the portal marked on this map.

Players can make Bewitching Branches by combining Sacramental Buds and Miquella’s Lilies after getting Fevor’s Cookbook [3] from Gideon. Sacramental Buds may found at the Church of the Plague in Caelid and the Writheblood Ruins in the Altus Plateau, while Miquella’s Lilies can found in Sellia, Town of Sorcery, and Dragonbarrow in Caelid and beyond. Fans shouldn’t have to put in too much effort to obtain these things because they aren’t exceedingly uncommon.
Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.