How Do I Find a Desert Biome in Minecraft Desert biomes in Minecraft can provide some unique resources, especially if you’re working on a project that requires a lot of glass and sand. This is also where you can find fossils, which can be used to make bone meal and bone blocks. They don’t have as much wood and trees as the other biomes, but they do have a lot more structures. Cacti can also be found in desert environments. As a result, they are deserving of your attention. It can be difficult to locate one, but here’s how to go about it.
Where Can I Find A Desert Biome?

Desert biomes have been reported to appear in areas between seas and badlands biomes if you can discover a badlands biome. If you don’t already have one, build one and explore the ocean until you come across a landmass almost entirely covered in sand; this is a desert biome. In some cases, players have been able to find a biome by crossing the water from any other biome. In low-erosive areas, you’ll find them this way. Look for places with high erosion to find them without having to cross the ocean. Look for flat areas with a small number of hills to find these.
If you’re going to the desert, make sure you bring plenty of food, as there isn’t much in the way of food in this part of the world. Because the enemies here, husks, do not burn when the sun rises, they are more dangerous and present than normal zombies, so bring your best weapons and armour. It’s also a good idea to avoid getting too close to the pillager colonies here.
You’ll have a completely new destination to go for special materials if you’ve pinpointed a desert biome!