Where Is Hall Of Silence In Lost Ark The Hall of Silence is one of the locales in Raiders of the Lost Ark where you can get a variety of rewards for completing quests. So, in order to obtain all of the unique gifts, we must first learn how to unlock the hall of quiet.
Before you can enter the Hall of Silence, you must meet certain prerequisites. So, once we finish these prerequisites, we’ll be able to enter this hall. When you complete this hall, you will be rewarded handsomely. This can be done with friends as well. The Hall of Silence can be accessed using this guide.
Lost Ark: Unlocking the Hall of Silence

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To begin, you’ll need to obtain Snail Roll Cake and several charms. The following are the primary qualifications for entering the Hall of Science. You must be at least level 50 and have an iLvl (item level) of 802 or higher to enter the Hall of Silence. We’ll need an admittance ticket for the “Silent Room,” which is located on the second floor. If you want to play with your friends, they’ll require a ticket to enter the room with you.
It’ll assist if you remember that entry tickets in Chaos Dungeons can usually be acquired from Guild Exchange vendors. This is a distinct activity in which you must slay some arena boss opponents. In the arena, you’ll face waves of different bosses, each of which has a timer for each of the 15 waves available. You must defeat all of the bosses within the time limit.
The wave timings in the Hall of Silence are as follows:
Within the first four waves, you will have one minute to beat all of the bosses. Then comes wave 5, which is obviously more difficult than the previous one, and it continues to get more difficult as you encounter harder bosses. From wave five onwards, you’ll have one minute and 30 seconds to kill all of the monsters in these waves until you reach the tenth wave, when the duration will increase to two minutes and 30 seconds per wave.
After we’ve completed all of the waves, defeated all of the bosses, and made our way into the arena. For each wave that we accomplish, we will be rewarded. So, if you die on a certain wave while fighting specific opponents, don’t panic; you can restart the wave and still collect awards for all of the waves you’ve finished.