How To Grow Giant Crops In Rune Factory 5 Crop growth rates in Rune Factory 5 allow you to grow large crops. How to Grow Giant Crops: This Guideline will teach you how to grow giant crops:
In Rune Factory 5, you can grow massive crops

Crop cultivation is also possible on Farm Dragons, which is located south of SEED Outpost. Throughout the main adventure, you’ll collect four Farm Dragons to supplement your food supply. Please use them to make as many Crops as possible.
Crops that are tilled rather than harvested will enrich the soil. Corn is a good example because it feeds the soil with nutrients.
Greenifier is available at Ludmila’s shop. It is found in Selphie’s southwest region. You’ll need 500 Friendship Points to buy it (FP).
Greenifier+ is made by mixing 10x Greenifier with 1x Magic Water in a pot. Cook for 3 minutes, then wait for it to cool.
The quality of the ground degrades as you continue to cultivate plants in the same soil. The Magnifying Glass is a tool that allows you to inspect the ground’s quality.
You should utilise higher-level seeds if you want to get Giant Crops. Crop seeds start at Level 1, but you can boost their level by harvesting ripe crops with a sickle.