Genshin Impact: How To Buy Furniture Now that you have your own home base in Genshin Impact, you must decorate the inside. The addition of houses comes with the ability to purchase various pieces of furniture, allowing you to personalize your home as much or as little as you want. These are the procedures you must follow to furnish your home.
How to Purchase a Home
To go into your house and put the furnishings in, you must first unlock the Serenitea Pot. To obtain it, you must have completed A Teapot to Call Home: Part 1 of the quest. You must complete the A New Star Approaches quest and have a level 35 Adventurer Rank in order to unlock this. Once you’ve completed these two steps, you’ll have everything you need to begin constructing furniture.
Where Can I Get Furniture?

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Both ready-made furniture and blueprints for pieces are available for purchase. Blueprints cost materials and time to construct, so be cautious about how many you buy at initially. Master Lu’s shop in Quingce Village and Goth in Mondstadt both sell blueprints. In Mondstadt’s core section, Goth can be found near the castle.
Accessing your Realm Depot, which you can accomplish by talking to Tubby the Bird, is a terrific way to find treasures and furniture. You can use realm currency to purchase items for your home here. Tubby’s item inventory will grow in size as you gain more Trust Ranks.
On weekends, the Traveling Salesman bird Chubby can be found in select locations of the map. On Fridays, Chubby only appears to players who have unlocked the area he is in, whereas on Saturdays and Sundays, he appears to everyone. Chubby carries a unique array of things and is definitely worth checking out because he only appears in certain spots on particular days.
Once you’ve mastered the art of buying blueprints, you’ll have a home in the game that you’ll be proud to show off in no time!