Transmit Data To The Drone Quest Location In Fortnite Every week in Chapter 3 of Season 2 of Fortnite, you’ll be presented with a new set of challenges, ranging from finding Omni Chips to planting Anti-Tank rounds to aid The Seven. As you progress through these objectives, make sure to speak with the NPC characters who make up the gang, as they’ll be able to provide you with some fantastic weapons, gear, and more.
You’ll be charged with uploading data to a drone as part of your journey to help The Seven. But you’ll need to discover a certain location on the map to complete this quest and earn 23k XP. Follow our instructions to get to where you need to be in order to upload this data and finish your quest!
Transmit Data to the Drone Quest in Fortnite

You’ll want to create an uplink near a Seven outpost as soon as you exit the Battle Bus. As shown on the map above, the best area to take care of this is near Greasy Grove. Because the second half of the mission will take place in this same location, you’ll want to create the uplink here. Because both portions of this quest are simple, you should be able to complete them in quick succession.
You’ll get a notification that you need to send the data you’ve received to a drone once you’ve created the uplink, but it won’t tell you where to look for it. The drone is also at Greasy Grove, laying on the ground behind the building. All you have to do now is get to that location. And you’ll have finished the assignment, earning a lot of XP for hardly much effort. Make sure to speak with any of the NPCs in this area to obtain some fantastic goods that you’ll be able to use throughout the round!
Once you’ve completed this, you can continue on to the other weekly objectives. Such as locating the Anti-Tank rounds or searching for the Omni Chips dispersed throughout the area. We’ve got you covered if you’re seeking for all the information you’ll need regarding Fortnite!
Fortnite is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Nintendo Switch, and mobile platforms.