How To Unlock Myths Of The Realm Alliance Raid In FFXIV Alliance Raids have long been a staple of Final Fantasy XIV, but they’ve grown monotonous in recent years due to the lack of new Alliance Raids. However, Final Fantasy XIV received a new Alliance Raid with patch 6.1, and it certainly pushes the tale in a new direction. Players in the new Alliance Raid are pitted against the gods they serve. You must first unlock the Alliance Raid before you can take them on. You won’t be able to access it right away when you check in, so let’s go over how to get access to Final Fantasy XIV’s new Alliance Raid.
In Final Fantasy XIV, how do you unlock the Myths of the Realm Alliance raid?

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You must complete a portion of the new MSQ in order to obtain entry to Myths of the Realm. After completing the first dungeon of the new MSQ, you should be able to find a new blue sidequest in Old Sharlayan after completing a few more missions. “A Mission in Mor Dhona” is the name of the task you’re looking for. You’ll meet up with G’raha Tia again in this quest and the ones that follow.
You’ll enter the realm of the gods with both old and new companions by your side. These are the same gods from which you had to choose while creating your character. Unfortunately, your option has no bearing on clearing the new Alliance Raid. The only thing that matters is that you must defeat three of the realm’s gods, which will not be an easy assignment. At least until the community has mastered all of the mechanics.
If you want raid-ready gear, you can earn it by completing the new Alliance Raid. Because you can only receive one piece of gear per character per week, you can add this to your list of weekly tasks to improve your equip. Check out our other guides for Final Fantasy XIV if you need any additional assistance.