How To Increase Number of Contacts in XCOM 2, a turn-based tactics game developed by Firaxis and published by 2K Games, is still one of the most popular games in the genre. The successor to 2012’s XCOM: Enemy Unknown vastly extended tactical options and features while staying loyal to the series’ basic premise. XCOM 2 is never short of new recruits for the struggle to liberate Earth, with new gamers jumping in and veterans returning to the resistance.
While players in the first XCOM attempted to defend the planet from an alien invasion, the sequel tells the story of what happened after they failed. XCOM 2 is a story of resistance, with the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit’s remaining remnants attempting to defeat their new alien rulers. To do so, XCOM will need to establish contacts with resistance organisations all throughout the world. Gaining access to fresh resources, missions, and income in the process.
In XCOM 2, how do you get more contacts?

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At the outset of an XCOM 2 game, players are limited to only three Contacts, thus increasing that number should be one of their first priorities. To begin, players must complete the Resistance Comms research project. Which becomes available after the first Guerilla Ops mission is completed. Players will be able to construct Resistance Comms facilities in the Avenger after this is completed.
Comms facilities cost between 110 and 160 Supplies. Consume 3 Power, and take 16 days to construct, depending on their difficulty. Each Comms facility will increase the Contacts cap by one, and by two if an Engineer is on staff. Players who wish to make the most of the room on XCOM 2’s sci-fi plane. The Avenger, should upgrade their Resistance Comms later for 125-190 Supplies and 4 Power. This will not only increase the Contacts cap by one. But it will also open up a place for a second Engineer, bringing the total to four.
Contacts in XCOM 2: How Important Are They?

Obtaining new Contacts is critical to XCOM 2’s mission. As the XCOM programme must unite the planet in opposition to the alien government. While missions can be completed outside of Contact territory on occasion. Having a big portion of the planet covered gives players a lot more options regarding which targets to pursue.
In addition, each Contact raises the player’s monthly Supplies from XCOM’s enigmatic Central, making it a valuable source of revenue in addition to missions and salvage sales. Finally. Contacting all of a continent’s resistances grants that continent’s special bonus. A powerful effect that lasts the duration of the game.