Super Auto Pets: How To Play As Turtle. When playing Super Auto Pets, you can use animals and their distinct talents to build remarkable tactics and combinations. There are numerous winning tactics in the game, however some pets are not included in any of them. These are companion animals who will aid you in surviving multiple conflicts while you search for the required pets. A turtle is one of these species, and we’ll show you how to interact with it in this post.
In Super Auto Pets, how do you play Turtle?
Turtle is a level 3 pet that will assist you in fighting. Particularly in the early stages of the game, in protecting your pets.

Turtle Abilities:
- Level 1 Faint: Give friend behind Melon Armor.
- Level 2 Faint: Give 2 friends behind Melon Armor.
- Level 3 Faint: Give 3 friends behind Melon Armor.
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Melon Armor allows a pet to mitigate incoming damage by up to 20 points. This effect is only active for one attack, and it will be cancelled. If the pet suffers even one hit during that attack.
You don’t have to buy Melon to gain the effect. Therefore you don’t have to spend cash on the turtle ability.
If your objective is to increase the statistics of your creatures. We recommend using the turtle as soon as you receive it. In this situation, you should position the turtle in front of your pet with the greatest stats. So that he gains Melon Armor and can hopefully defeat 2-4 opposing pets.

We should also mention that if you employ the summoner’s techniques. The turtle’s impact will be rendered utterly useless, implying that purchasing it is pointless.
Following the release of a new update in the game. New methods for strawberry buddies began to emerge, and after a few encounters. They became immensely strong. It makes sense to improve the turtle to level 3 and employ it till the end of the game in such methods. As you can further increase an already potent combo.