The new currency has been released, and we’re all scrambling to get our hands on as much as we can. But, when it comes to purchasing it, what are our options?
How To Get Mythic Essence In League Of Legends. Mythic Essence has replaced Gemstones and Prestige Points as the newest League of Legends currency. All of your Prestige Points have been cleansed, and your Gemstones have been converted to Mythic Essence at a rate of 10 Gemsote for 10 ME, as of patch 12.6.
To begin with, the simplest way to obtain Mythic Essence is, of course, to purchase it. If you have enough money, you can earn Mythic Essence by purchasing the battle pass for the event that is now taking place.

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It is, nevertheless, possible to obtain Mythic Essence for free. What’s the point, after all, when the last two currencies offered us a similar option? The first option is to open various loot chests and Orbs that can contain Mythic Essence as a reward. ME might be found in the following loot boxes:
- Hextech Chests,
- Masterwork Chests,
- Mission Orbs.
Playing a game is currently the quickest way to obtain Mythic Essence. You’ll be completing an assignment provided to you by RIot to commemorate the debut of Mythic Essence. You don’t even have to win to make things easier!