One of the achievements Guild Wars 2 gained for Dog Days may appear to be elusive at first, but there is a simple solution.
How To Get Dog Nap Achievement In Guild Wars 2. We can get four awards by engaging with a pack of hounds chilling at Lion’s Arch, thanks to ArenaNet. They are rather simple, but Dog Nap may cause some confusion owing to a technicality.
The award requires users to spend several minutes sitting or sleeping with the dogs in their designated area. However, Guild Wars 2 you may receive the sensation that you need to interact with one of the dogs, which will allow you to sit next to them for a short time. You won’t get anywhere by spamming this conversation.

The Dog Nap achievement needs you to utilise the emote version of sitting or sleeping, so simply go up to a chilling dog and use the /sit or /sleep command to begin resting as well.
There’s no need to stare at your almost-inanimate character while you wait for the achievement to appear. You can exit Guild Wars 2 and go to your favourite meme site or watch a YouTube video. I didn’t time how long it took to unlock the accomplishment, but it wasn’t more than one or two minutes because it appeared so quickly.
Remember to trade with the dogs as well; their bags may include important goods, although I wouldn’t go so far as to give them ascending materials in exchange.