Best Place To Find Frogs in Genshin Impact Frog farming has certain indisputable benefits that enthusiastic overworld explorers in Genshin Impact should consider, even if those benefits may not seem totally worth the effort given the long list of things and resources that need to be cultivated in the realm of Teyvat. Frogs are overworld creatures that can be found in ponds and along the coasts of nations all over Teyvat, however unlike the food sources dispersed about, they cannot be cooked into recipes that replenish a character’s HP. And unless you consider Alchemy, this makes them a strange oddity.
What are frogs used for, and how does frog farming in Genshin affect the environment?
Frogs are a type of ingredient that may be used to make Essential Oils such as Pyro, Hydro, Electro, and Geo at the crafting bench. They are a consumable potion that may be used in the overworld to buff characters of the appropriate element’s elemental damage. This is especially beneficial to new Genshin Impact players who are just getting started, as their characters may not be strong enough to take on overworld bosses owing to a lack of character levels, weapons, or artefacts.
This raises the question of where to find a large number of frogs. In an easily accessible location with a dense population of those amphibians. The shores of Minlin in Liyue, which are northwest of the closest waypoint. That links to the approximate area, spring to mind. Frogs, like other fauna, breed in limited quantities on a regular basis, and hence cannot be farmed indefinitely. Though it is important to bear in mind that the area may randomly birth frogs. It is recommended to keep an eye out while scooping up frogs.

Frogs spawn in a number of locations, but the shores of Minlin are where they are most thickly packed. Players might also try their luck in the river that leads to the Qingxu Pool. The lake near Mondstadt’s Springvale or the Dadaupa Gorge’s tiny ponds. Though the frogs may be in smaller numbers and more widely dispersed in such areas.
For players who urgently require a big number of frogs. Whether for the sake of distilling essential oils or trapping them as pets for their teapot. It’s worth noting that visiting another player’s world and seizing their natural resources is always a valid option to consider. Hopefully, you’re doing so with their permission.