Where To Get Polite Emote Lost Ark. For some objectives, you’ll need a handful of these emotes in particular. One of them is the Polite emoji, which is why it’s a little tricky to figure out where you may get it in the game. We’ve got you covered if you want a step-by-step instruction on how to find the emote. Find out where to get the Polite emote from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Many Lost Ark emotes sealed inside quests, which you will rewarded for completing. You’ll need to employ special emotes to complete tasks like “In Lynnis’s Footsteps,” which you may not be able to do. This is most likely why you’re wondering where you can get a Polite Emote. This tutorial should be of assistance to you!
Where Can I Get The Polite Emote In Raiders Of The Lost Ark?
When you finish the Becoming a queen task with Vivian at Neria’s Taven in the Luterra Castle location, you will receive the Polite emote as a reward. Because other quests in the Luterra Castle area may lock the quest, it recommended that you complete every yellow side quest and complete the brief objectives before starting this one.
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To begin the quest of Becoming Queen, speak with Thirain about the conditions for becoming Queen. Vivian is a barmaid with ambitions of becoming Queen and establishing a name for herself in Luterra. You’ll need to speak with Meehan, who is sitting next to Thirain, after chatting with Thirain. Then you’ll directed to Anessa, who specialises in suitable queenly traits and demeanour.
After speaking with Anessa, you’ll be able to complete the task and get the Polite emoji, as well as 140 Silver, the Roster, and Combat XP.
Guide To Other Emotes

- Emote Roar in Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Emote of taunt in Raiders of the Lost Ark
That concludes the section on “How to Get the Polite Emote in Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Check out our website’s Lost Ark Gaming Section for more information and guides. Don’t forget to like and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.