How To Complete Iron Fist Alexander Quest In Elden Ring. Here’s how you may aid Iron Fist Alexander in completing his quest in Elden Ring.
Iron Fist Alexander can found near the Saintsbridge Site of Grace in Northern Stormhill, beside a small pond. If you’re having difficulties finding him, simply stroll through the canyon near the bridge and you’ll hear him pleading for aid; he’ll be on the crest of the hill.
Once you’ve assisted him, you’ll be able to begin his questline, which is fairly lengthy. After starting Iron Fist Alexander’s adventure, you can find him in Elden Ring. Finding him at these sites will eventually bring his search to a close.
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- When you arrive at Iron Fist Alexander, he will seek for your assistance. Strike him in the back with any weapon a few times till he’s out of the hole.
- Gael Tunnel, on the boundary between Limgrave and Caelid, is his next destination. When you speak with him, he’ll tell you that he’s on his way to Radmane Castle.
- Then you can summon Iron Fist Alexander to aid you in your fight against Starscourge Radahn.
- His next stop is Liurnia of the Lakes, south of Carian Study Hall. He stuck yet again, and as you move closer to his location, he’ll call for assistance. To assist him in escaping, use an Oil Pot.
- The next stop for Alexander is the Mt. Gelmir area. He’s sitting behind the Magma Wyrm at the Seethwater Terminus Grace on the lava lake.
- Iron Fist Alexander summon may found in the Forbidden Lands, east of the “Church of Repose” grace site, just past the chain bridge, where he can assist you in fighting the Fire Giant.
- Iron Fist Alexander may found next in Crumbling Farum Azula, west of the “Dragon Temple” grace location. Simply keep walking past the Dragon Temple grace location until you reach a fog wall that demands a Stonesword key. Take the elevator past the Dragon Temple Lift Grace after unlocking the door. Slay the dragon on the right, then reload the region before returning to where the dragon was originally. Alexander will be waiting for you there. He’ll challenge you to a duel and reward you with valuable stuff if you win.

- Even if you haven’t interacted with Alexander before fighting Radahn, he will appear.
- Alexander can found at Starscourge Radahn grace after you defeat Radahn. He’ll spend a brief time there before moving on to his next destination.
As more information about Iron Fist Alexander and his whereabouts becomes available, we will update this guide. He’s sighted at the sites listed above thus far.