How To Play Sion In League Of Legends. In League of Legends, Sion is an extremely oppressive Tank. He’s not like the normal tanks, which are designed to be nothing more than walking meat shields. We’ll show you all you need to know to get started playing the Undead Juggernaut in this guide.
The majority of tanks in League of Legends have quite simple kits with little mechanical complexity. Sion is a unique individual. Because of this distinction, Sion is a very flexible champion. You see, he can be built as a tank or as a full-fledged AD assassin with a tonne of crowd control. However, because this is a beginner’s guide, Play Sion In League Of Legends. we’ll concentrate on Sion’s tanking playstyle so that newcomers may get a sense of what this champion is all about. Sion has excellent crowd management, a strong presence in team fights, and good duelling potential. He can keep up with the toughest tanks and even win 1v1 battles against the most skilled duelists. Let’s take a look at Sion’s gear to understand what makes him such a fantastic champion.
Table of Contents
Sion’s entire set-up resembles that of a tank. He has the standard health buffs, shields, and crowd control, but he also possesses a variety of excellent duelist characteristics that make him an extremely adaptable champion.
Glory In Death – Passive

Sion will reanimate with rapidly deteriorating health after being killed. His strikes become extremely fast, acquiring 100% Lifesteal and doing extra damage equal to [+10% target’s max] Death Surge, which delivers a burst of Movement Speed, replaces all of his abilities.Play Sion In League Of Legends.
This is a tonne of fun as a passive. Glory in Death is most useful when you’re playing as full AD Sion, but it’s not very useful when you’re a tank. This passive also gave rise to the contentious Inting Sion tactic, in which a player playing as Sion would purposefully die in order to gain access to the passive’s bonuses, allowing them to push towers faster.
Smash – Q – Devastating

Sion prepares a powerful punch that can last up to two seconds. When Sion is released, he causes physical damage to the opponents he hits (150 percent damage to monsters, 60 percent damage to minions) and slows them for a short time. Enemies are knocked up and dazed for 1.25 to 2.25 seconds if Sion charges for at least 1 second.
Decimating Smash is a formidable crowd control ability that also has a significant burst effect. It’s a challenging skill to master, especially when trying to charge it to its full potential. You can also utilise this ability to clear minion waves so you can push lanes more efficiently because it does high damage. If you’re going to trade with an opponent, try to start with Decimating Smash.
Soul Furnace (W)

When Sion kills a unit, he earns 4 maximum health as a passive effect (15 for champion kills, assists, large minions and large monsters).
Sion protects himself for 6 seconds when he activates this ability. Sion can reactivate after 3 seconds, while the shield is still holding, Play Sion In League Of Legends to deal magic damage to adjacent opponents. Against minions and monsters, you can deal up to 400 extra damage.
Soul Furnace is a passive and active ability, both of which are important aspects in his duelling prowess. Sion has a shield that can erupt, doing damage to enemy units around him, thanks to the active part of Soul Furnace. This is useful because it gives Sion some trading sustain while simultaneously doing damage. In our perspective, the passive portion is more crucial. Sion gains additional health after he kills a unit thanks to Soul Furnace’s Passive. This means that you don’t need to buy tank goods to be tanky if you’re confident in your last-hitting abilities or if you’re well-fed. This is one of the main reasons why Sion as an AD assassin is a viable playstyle.
E – The Slayer’s Roar

Sion unleashes a shockwave that inflicts magical damage on the first opponent struck and knocks it back if it isn’t a champion (significantly increasing its range). Shockwave or knocked back targets take the same amount of damage, are slowed for 2.5 seconds, and have their Armor lowered by 20% for 4 seconds.
In the Top Lane, Sion has a great poking ability. You can use this to poke your lane opponent when they try to last hit by hiding behind minions. It’s a useful sluggish ability that can be used in a variety of situations. The Armor reduction is also beneficial, as it gives Sion additional opportunities to deal damage.
Unstoppable Onslaught (R)

Sion can navigate slowly towards the mouse cursor after charging in a direction for 8 seconds. Sion is immune to all forms of Crowd Control when charging. Sion’s fee will be cancelled sooner if you reactivate. Sion does physical damage and knocks up adversaries in a small radius for 0.75 seconds when he collides with an enemy champion or wall. Enemies in a bigger area are dealt the same amount of damage and slowed for 3 seconds. As Sion charges higher, the damage rises and the stun duration increases to 1.75 seconds.
Unstoppable Onslaught has to be one of the most difficult abilities in League of Legends to master. This is one of the main reasons why many newer players shun Sion. True, this skill has a steep learning curve, and anyone who isn’t sure what they’re doing with it can easily mess it up. However, after you’ve mastered it, you’ll be amazed at how much usefulness, crowd control, and damage this ability can provide.
We’ll concentrate on creating Sion as a tank because this is a beginner’s guide. We’ll focus on strengthening his durability as much as possible without sacrificing his duelling potential because this is his strong point.
Items To Begin With

You have two choices for starting items. As your initial item, the most popular option is to use Corrupting Potion. When Sion trades in the early laning phase, this allows him some sustain and a little damage. If you want more health and damage reduction, or if you’re up against a ranged opponent, Doran’s Shield is the way to go.
Mythical Objects

On SIon, all tank Mythic Items are fantastic. However, when it comes to enhancing his duelling potential, these two are the finest possibilities. Sunfire Aegis is the finest overall choice because it provides him with everything he needs to excel in all aspects of his game. Frostfire Gauntlet may be a better choice for you if you want to be more aggressive when duelling. Because of the additional slow he gets from Frostfire Gauntlet’s passive, he may stay closer to his target.
Completed Construction

Sion is a champion who isn’t obligated to use his Mythic item right away. Hullbreaker is, in fact, the first item you should rush on him. This greatly enhances his lane 1v1 potential while also allowing him to deal enormous damage to towers. Finish your tier 2 boots after Hullbreaker. Plated Steelcaps are the go-to solution. If the enemy side has a lot of magic damage dealers or crowd control dealers, go for Mercury’s Treads instead. Then choose your favourite Mythic item. After that, go for a Thornmail for the armour, health, and damage return. Titanic Hydra is next, which will make you even more tanky while simultaneously increasing your damage output. Finish your build with a Gargoyle’s Stoneplate for more armour, magic resistance, and an active shield that doubles as a second lifebar.
Other Possibilities
When playing as a tank, you can build a variety of different useful things on Sion. When you play as an assassin, you have even more possibilities. For the time being, attempt to figure out what these items do and how you might combine them into your build path and play style.

Choose the Resolve tree for your runes, and Grasp of the Undying as your key stone. This improves your lane sustain while also enhancing your tankiness. After that, use Demolish to boost your pushing power, Conditioning to make you more tanky in the middle game, and Overgrowth to boost your overall health. Take Biscuit Delivery and Approach Velocity from the Inspiration tree for secondary skills. When you move towards enemy units with impaired movement, Biscuit Delivery offers you more sustain, while Approach Velocity gives you bonus movement speed. Take Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, and Armor for rune shards.
Decimating Smash does not require a full charge every time it is used. Even if you don’t fully charge it, it still has decent crowd control and damage. Because opponents won’t be able to see Decimating Smash’s radius, hiding in a brush and completely charging the ability is an excellent approach to optimise its effectiveness.
Sion is a strong duelist who has only lost a few games. Certain champions, on the other hand, just counter his play style at every level of the game. Aatrox, Illaoi, Renekton, Darius, and Irelia are the champions.
Always use Flash and Teleport as summoner spells. Teleporting allows you to have a greater global presence while also allowing you to participate in team fights and split push across the map.
That’s all there is to it! That’s everything there is to know about Sion in League of Legends. Please return to this page for more fantastic guides on your favourite games. Have a great day, and we’ll see you on the Rift soon!