Glacier Isle Mokoko Seed Locations In Lost Ark. This handy guide can help those hunting for Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark.
For those who haven’t yet been, Lost Ark’s Glacier Isle a little island with a unique musician named Orazio and a sad polar bear named Samly that is mourning the loss of its mother. This island has a long and rather gloomy quest line regarding pollution and global warming that begins with Mathias’ “Iceberg Inquiry” (discovered on Peyto) and finishes with a beautiful concert cutscene in the Elegy of Serenity quest. Along the way, players gain access to a new Rapport NPC in Samly, as well as a slew of Tier 1 Honing Materials, the Elegy of Serenity Sheet Music, and the Glacier Isle Island Soul, making it a must-do side mission.
So, despite its modest size, it’s reasonable to say that this island has a lot going on. Players also needed to walk to the conclusion of the questline’s last phase, which a bit tedious. So, to save some time, let’s go over where you can find all three Mokoko Seeds on the Island and how to retrieve them in Lost Ark. Remember that Mokoko Seeds can found almost anywhere in this game, from Luterra Castle to the coasts of Punika, so keep that in mind when exploring new areas.
Mokoko Seeds 1 & 2 From Glacier Island

To get to the first two Mokoko Seeds, players must wait for a floating sheet of ice to reappear right above Samly for them to ride (denoted by the raft icon on the mini-map). After climbing up to the second half of the island, they simply need to follow the linear path until they reach the large curved boardwalk.

The first two Mokoko Seeds are off the real map itself, hidden behind a fake wall, right where the curve starts (as seen by the Mokoko Seed icons in the image above). It should be simple to uncover this secret path if you look for the same area in the image above and walk into the wall while moving slightly ahead. Continue down the trail, grabbing the two Mokoko Seeds before moving on to the third.
Mokoko Seed 3 From Glacier Isle

The final Mokoko Seed lies on the last patch of land that leads to a dead-end, which is part of the quest line, so make sure you get it before you leave the island, or else you’ll have to do some boring retracing later. Simply find this identical area, using the image above as a guide, and keep walking into the wall until the character walks through, just like the first two Mokoko Seeds. Follow the way to the last Mokoko Seed, and you’re done! All three Mokoko Seeds have added to the collection!
Remember to return to Tortoyk after collecting fifty Mokoko Seeds, since Totoma, the Elder of Mokoko Village, offers a variety of gifts ranging from Crewmates to Transformations for those who aren’t concerned with the game’s more pay-to-win components.
The PC version of Raiders of the Lost Ark is now available for free on Steam.