Elden Ring: How To Get Icerind Hatchet. Elden Ring contains a large number of formidable weapons, particularly Legendary Weapons. Icerind Hatchet is one such weapon that can found early in the game. We’ve covered all you need to know about getting Icerind Hatchet in our Elden Ring tutorial.
Icerind Hatchet
Travel to Temple Quarter, Liurnia of the Lakes, to obtain Icerind Hatchet. It should be around the Raya Lucaria Academy’s southwest perimeter, southeast of the Temple Quarter resting area.

Some ruins will submerged in water a little distance ahead, with some Albinaurics roaming the area. hidden within a chest in these ruins. It’s a fantastic Frost damage weapon that’s great for bosses who are vulnerable to Frost damage.
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It is also simple to equip because it has a low attribute requirement of 11 Strength and 16 Dexterity. Icerind Hatchet also has a built-in Ashes of War called Hoarfrost Stomp, which is undoubtedly one of the game’s best Ashes of War. It is, however, perfectly feasible to alter it to a different AoW.