Elden Ring: How To Get Cinquedea. Cinquedea is a fantastic dagger that scales well with both Str/Dex and has few requirements. Quickstep is a feature that allows the wielder to reposition in the middle of a battle. However, because it is well-hidden, finding it can be difficult. We’ve covered everything you need to know about getting Cinquedea in this Elden Ring guide.
Elden Ring Cinquedea
Head over to the Bestial Sanctum to obtain Cinquedea. Begin on the west side of the area and work your way down the various platforms. Look for a rat statue after you reach the bottom; Cinquedea and a Talisman should be there. It’s the same area you’ll find during the D, Hunter of the Dead questline.
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Getting the jumps down can be difficult, but doing so with Torrent can make it a little easier. We’ve included a short video below that shows where Cinquedea is located
Finally, as of version 1.03, Cinquedea is unavailable for purchase. It appears to be a bug that will be addressed in a future update. It’s also possible that FromSoftware’s position has shifted. In the coming days, we’ll add more information to the guide.