How To Check PlayStation Network’s Server Status In 2022. Updated at 6:51 a.m. on March 23: Today, PlayStation published a new system software update for the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 consoles. Several fan-requested additions included in the update, including the option to form and join open and closed parties, voice commands, UI improvements, and more. However, it does not appear like everything went properly, as PlayStation Network is currently unavailable following today’s firmware upgrade. Players have expressed their dissatisfaction with their inability to play online games. The PSN outage has acknowledged by Ask PlayStation Japan.
origin story
The PlayStation Network is an essential component of the PlayStation universe. All online interactions must pass through this path, whether you’re downloading games, playing them online, or checking your trophy list. There’s not much you can do on your PS4 and PS5 when it’s down, which is why we’ve put up this guide to help you check credible sources and figure out whether there’s a problem.

View Official Status Page
The official PlayStation Network server status page is the best way to see if PlayStation Network is down. It displays the current state of all PlayStation Network services, including account management, gaming, and social media, as well as PlayStation Now, PlayStation Video, PlayStation Store, and PlayStation Direct. If any of these services have an issue, it will listed here.
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If you notice that PlayStation Network is having problems but the server status page isn’t showing them, it could be a sign of a more serious issue. Examine social media networks to determine if other users are having similar issues. If that’s the case, Sony isn’t likely to update the server status page to alert users.
For example, at the time of writing, all services that use Amazon servers are experiencing outage, which is affecting several services. Despite consumers’ complaints on Twitter, the PlayStation Network server status page does not show this.