Radahn Location In Elden Ring. Here’s how to discover and approach Starscourge Radahn, one of the key bosses in Elden Ring.
In Elden Ring, Starscourge Radahn a Shardbearer who must defeated in order to progress in several tasks in the Lands Between. Because the boss stationed in Redmane Castle, Caelid, reaching him can difficult. It’s a well-guarded castle that demands unique methods of entry, such as the Radahn Festival.
The Radahn Festival necessary for defeating the boss in Elden Ring, where Radahn stationed in the Wailing Dunes. It enables players to summon a large number of supportive NPCs to assist them in the boss fight. Tarnished has two options for how they want to kick off the festival, and it’s up to the fans to choose which road they want to pursue.
In Elden Ring, How Do You Go To Radahn?

The Radahn Festival can triggered in one of two ways:
- Ranni the Witch is a questline in the game.
- Dectus’ Grand Lift being activated.

The quickest path to Radahn is to follow Ranni’s questline. Players will find her in the Church of Elleh at the start of Elden Ring. She bestows the Spirit Calling Bell upon the tarnished, allowing them to summon helpful Spirits. After that, perform these actions to finish the first part of her questline:
- Ranni may be found in Three Sisters at Ranni’s Rise.
- On the lowest floor, speak with Iji, Blaidd, and Seluvis.
- In the Siofra River, speak with Blaidd.
- In Seluvis’s Rise, ask Seluvis about Nokron.
- The letter should delivered to Sorceress Sellen.
- Return to the Siofra River and have a conversation with Blaidd.

The Half-Wolf reveals that beating Radahn necessary for Nokron to unlocked. From there, travel to Caelid and the Lost Grace Impassible Greatbridge Site.
A Waygate can seen near the campfire. To teleport inside the Redmane Castle, interact with it.

When you arrive, walk north and continue in that direction until you reach a large open area. Blaidd can eventually found within. When you interact with him, you should do the following:
- Jerren, the Witch Hunter, is greeting everyone to the Radahn Festival upstairs.
- Request his participation in the event, then turn around and enter the large castle to the northwest.
- Directly behind a chair, enter the room.
- Exit the castle through the right-hand door.
- To descend, take the elevator ahead.
- Take a step forward and activate the Waygate.

Elden Ring
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The teleporter will transport Tarnished to Radahn’s boss region, the Wailing Dunes.
The second approach necessitates the acquisition of two crucial Key Items:
- Dectus Medallion (Left) in Mistwood’s Fort Haight.
- Dectus Medallion (right) in Dragonbarrow’s Fort Faroth.

Head to the Grand Lift of Dectus in northeast Liurnia of the Lakes after gathering the two halves. Climb the large stairwell and use the Medallion to activate the elevator. The tarnished will transported to the Altus Plateau by the lift. Activate Torrent and dash past the two Giants to the nearest Site of Lost Grace.

Pass the time until nightfall by lighting the Site. Radahn’s Festival will triggered as a result of this. Players can now proceed to the Impassable Greatbridge bonfire and confront Radahn.
Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.