Nero’s Best Upgrades To Unlock First In Devil May Cry 5. In Devil May Cry 5, Nero has a variety of unique skills and upgrades to acquire. Here are some of the best to start with.
In Devil May Cry 5, youngster Nero returns with his trademark violent gameplay, this time with a new feature in the form of the Devil Breaker weaponry. Nero has a personal stake in this Devil May Cry edition, as the teasers revealed, because a strange entity ripped his Devil Bringer and unleashed a fresh demonic invasion. Nero has Devil Breakers, new prostheses with various abilities, thanks to his mate Nico.
However, as Devil May Cry fans would expect, the advent of these new limited-ammo Devil Breakers can bring a whole new level of gameplay to the game that hasn’t been seen before. For Devil May Cry 5 novices and other franchise aficionados, this new element can easily overwhelm Nero. Fortunately, increasing several of Nero’s key talents makes using his combat style a lot easier.
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Air Hike (Ability)

When it comes to securing the strongest combinations and kills versus bosses in an action-packed game like DMC 5, speed and mobility reign supreme. In the case of Nero, Air Hike is a must-upgrade Ability that would allow him achieve optimal performance in the air.
By the time this is updated, Nero will not only be able to double jump, but also perform aerial combos considerably more easily. Nero can use the full brunt of both his long-ranged and melee choices thanks to Air Hike, allowing him to combat more adversaries with ease.
Wire Snatch 2 (Ability)

Players of Devil May Cry 4 will recall Nero and his trademark Devil Bringer practically dragging adversaries from the ground or the air into his range for a good pounding. This skill, known as Snatch, always vanishes when the mysterious figure snatches Nero’s Devil Bringer in DMC 5. Thankfully, Nico constructs Devil Breakers for Nero, allowing him to employ a similar-functioning alternative to Snatch dubbed Wire Snatch.
Nero can enhance the range of this grabbing mechanism by upgrading to Wire Snatch 2. This not only allows him to snare adversaries from afar for combat, but it also allows him to snare goods and collectibles from afar without fear of being caught.
Enemy Step (Skill, General)

Enemy Step will always modify the way Nero plays with foes in mid-air, whereas Air Hike offers him a double leap. Pressing A when in mid-air with adversaries allows Nero to leap on them to stay floating, as the name implies.
Enemy Step is a bit pricey to obtain, but it’s well worth it when it comes to juggling adversaries and keeping aerial combos alive. This is very handy against bosses who have a habit of throwing out minion after minion. Why not utilise them indefinitely for mid-air attacks?
Color Up 2 (Skill, Blue Rose)

When it comes to defeating adversaries from afar, Blue Rose is Nero’s go-to weapon in Devil May Cry. Blue Rose, on the other hand, is a very powerful weapon if Nero needs to hold foes at away or even juggle them. Nero can use Blue Rose to bring foes to him so he can finish them off with his weapons if he has the correct toolset.
Color Up 2, for example, allows Nero to load special bullets into the Blue Rose and charge it for a special attack by pressing and holding X. Despite its banality, the ability to load a more powerful charged shot against an enemy from afar is a great technique to punish them from afar.
Roulette Spin (Skill, Red Queen)

While Air Hike allows Nero to double jump, he still needs to use certain skills in mid-air if he wants to stay at his best. Roulette Spin, a Red Queen skill, enabling him to spin the blade to propel himself higher in the air for a longer period of time. When jumping, a trick is to use Y, Y, Pause, and then Y to give Nero a little extra boost in the air.
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However, this isn’t just a technique that Nero may utilise to stay in the air like Dante. On the offensive, he can employ Roulette Spin to keep up with fast-moving opponents and keep his juggles afloat. He can employ Roulette Spin on the defensive to avoid troublesome ground strikes.
Streak (Skill, Red Queen)

Streak, which is unique to Nero’s Red Queen sword, maximises his lock-on abilities by guaranteeing that they never go out of his sight. Allows Nero to dash towards an enemy he is currently targeting when activated.
When it comes to combinations, this skill is highly important, especially when Nero wants to keep his Style Meter up by racing towards a new enemy or following another enemy who has tried to flee his wrath. Nero can avoid depending on manual dashing to chase down opponents with Streak.
Calibur (Skill, Red Queen)

While the Streak allows Nero to keep his distance control by zooming in on any locked on target, this may not always work in mid-air. Nero would have to get the more expensive Calibur upgrade in order for this to operate against flying and floating opponents.
Despite its high price, the benefits of being a mid-air Streak are well worth it. Not only does this allow Nero to never let opponents get away from his aerial assaults. Rather, this allows Nero to boost his air game by giving him more choices for chasing and mowing down foes.
Payline (Skill, Red Queen)

Payline as a mid-air talent is a good option for players that wish to maximise Nero’s exposure in mid-air. This Red Queen move is exceptionally rapid and exposes an enemy’s weak area, leaving them exposed to Nero’s follow-up attacks – making it particularly beneficial against bosses that transform into Devil Arms.
Payline’s appeal may stem from the fact that it may also be utilised to thwart enemy attacks. When used correctly, Payline not only leaves adversaries wide exposed for strikes, but it also prevents them from counter-attacking effectively against Nero. Nero must be in mid-air before utilising RB + LS + Y to pull this off.
Combo B (Skill, Red Queen)

While the Red Queen has a lot of combo choices, it’s possible that Combo B may become Nero’s go-to when it comes to punishing adversaries quickly. By pressing Y, Pause, Y in quick succession, Nero will slam the sword on the ground, inflicting damage on any demons in its path.
However, while this might potentially do a lot of damage to several foes, Combo B is better used against much stronger opponents, such as elite foes and bosses with thicker armour.
Split (Skill, Red Queen)

Granted, the Red Queen gives Nero access to various combo finishers the first few times he uses it in the game. None, however, can match Split’s allure when it comes to putting together a beautiful outfit for Red Queen. Nero can press RB + LS Back + Y to lock on to an enemy in mid-air.
This allows Nero to seize an enemy in mid-air with his sword and bash them back down. They can keep the combination attack continuing if Nero utilises a Streak thereafter for good measure.
In March 2019, Devil May Cry 5 was launched for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.