Lichdragon Fortissax Location In Elden Ring. In Elden Ring, here’s how to uncover the Lichdragon Fortissax secret boss.
Lichdragon In Elden Ring, Fortissax is a Legend-type boss. The dragon is a boss that can battled at the conclusion of Fia’s questline. If you defeat it, Elden Ring will give you a different ending. Fia’s Armor Set, Runes, and Remembrance of the Lichdragon will also obtained. Tarnished can buy two Incantations from Enia, the Finger Reader, using the latter.
Lichdragon Fortissax a massive four-winged dragon with lightning strikes. It can only reached by travelling to a subterranean location. Before facing Lichdragon Fortissax, players must defeat at least two bosses.
Where Can You Find Lichdragon Fortissax, Elden Ring’s Secret Boss?

In Elden Ring, the secret boss Lichdragon Fortissax can be located in the lowest sections of Deeproot Depths.
Begin Fia’s questline first. Players must travel to Nokron and defeat the Valiant Gargoyle boss after surrendering the broken dagger to D, Hunter of the Dead. At the end of the boss room, a coffin will appear. Interacting with the coffin transports players to Deeproot Depths, another secret region.

When you get in Deeproot Depths, ride west and light the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Lost Grace, call the Elden Ring Steed, and light the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Lost Grace.
Elden Ring

- Hurry to the massive tree root that joins the two platforms.
- Players must jump on the root and continue its journey till they reach the opposite side.
- Toggle the Deeproot Depths bonfire to the northwest. A Palm Reader NPC should perched on the edge of a cliff.
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Now turn northeast and follow a winding trail through the woods. This will lead you to a little structure (which looks like an elegant garden house). Continue southwest to the Nameless Eternal City Site of Lost Grace, where you can pick up the Deeproot Depths map fragment.

From there, head south through the massive archway, being sure to kill the knight or else they’ll pursue you indefinitely. Then, heading east, ascend the tree roots and go along its course.
When the root splits into two routes, take the right one. Follow the journey till it comes to an end. Jump upon the broken root on the left and continue forward until you see a Site of Lost Grace beneath you.

From above, a Site of Lost Grace should be visible. Come down to the Across the Roots campfire and light it. To go to a vast open region, head northwest. Fia will be inside, but players must first defeat Fia’s Champions boss fight before engaging with her.

After you’ve defeated them, give her the Cursemark of Death and Fia’s speech will exhausted. To enter Fia’s dream, reload the environment and interact with the sleeping Fia.
Inside, tarnished will face off against Fortissax, the Lichdragon. Players will receive the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince after defeating the dragon, which will unlock the Age of Duskborn Ending.

In addition, defeating the dragon offers 90,000 Runes and the Lichdragon Remembrance. This item can used to purchase two Incarnations from the Roundtable Hold: Fortissax’s Lightning Spear and Death Lightning.
Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.