How Do Block In Ghostwire Tokyo. It’s all about the timing.
In Ghostwire: Tokyo, you don’t have many options for defending yourself against Visitors. Blocking is your sole option for defence. However, if you don’t time it well, you’ll suffer some consequences. Instead, while you’re fighting something, attempt to do a Perfect Block to avoid receiving damage and possibly reflect the strike back at the attacker. In Ghostwire: Tokyo, here’s all you need to know about performing a Perfect Block.
To trigger a Perfect Block, your block must be perfectly timed. If you’re using a PlayStation controller, you may accomplish this by pressing the L1 button, and you’ll want to do it just seconds before an adversary attacks you. You’ll still take some damage from the attack if you do it too early.

When time slows down and none of your health is lost, you’ve experienced a Perfect Block. In addition, the reflected damage causes the target to take a small amount of damage, causing them to stagger back from the strike. Because Perfect Blocking is your only defence, you’ll want to master it, which will require you to practise against various Visitors and learn the rhythm of their attacks in order to match up the time. You can extend the window of your Perfect Block by consuming certain Spectral Food, which gives you a passive bonus for a limited time.