Ghostwire Tokyo: How To Target Enemies. Maintain your concentration on your goal.
The opponents you’ll face in Ghostwire: Tokyo are formidable, and you’ll have to use your Ethereal weaving abilities to defeat them. The SP energy you use to channel your Ethereal weaving is finite, and if you run out during an encounter, you’ll be frantic to locate more. To ensure that every shot counts, make sure you’re aiming at your opponents. In Ghostwire: Tokyo, here’s everything you need to know about targeting adversaries.

If you’re using a PlayStation controller, hold the L2 button while fighting. While it’s active, your aim will automatically follow the closest Visitor insight to you, making any of your Ethereal attacks considerably simpler to hit. If you don’t keep the button pressed, you’ll just zoom in on your target.

When you want to change targets, release the target button and manually switch to the next target. Hold down the target button once you’ve picked on your next target, and you’ll automatically zoom in on them and follow them around. You won’t see a reticle around an adversary in Ghostwire beyond the usual one you currently have, but you will track them as they travel around the area. You will lose your target if you lose line of sight.