How To Create Berserk’s Guts In Elden Ring. If they can get their hands on the correct gear, fans of the Berserk series can cosplay Guts in Elden Ring.
Without the necessary Berserk reference and Easter egg, no Souls game is complete. Elden Ring simply had to ramp up the homages to one of its main influences as a Souls game after Berserk author Kentaro Miura passed away last year. It eventually gave in and presented the most obvious and approachable option to dress up like Berserk’s protagonist, the iconic Guts.
One in-game NPC bears a striking resemblance to Guts, and his personality is uncannily similar. That said, cosplaying or roleplaying as Guts in-game not easy. The crucial items frequently kept away in the game’s most difficult side mission, which takes up half of the game.
Fans of Berserk, on the other hand, are unlikely to give up so simply. Fans have seen far too much agony and pain; why not convert that into wrath and motivation? So don’t give up on those rash ambitions; here’s how to completely realise Guts in Elden Ring. There are mild spoilers for side missions ahead.
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Get Blaidd’s Armor Set (Two Methods)

Obtaining Blaidd’s gear is arguably the most critical stage i
n reaching peak Guts in Elden Ring. He is Ranni’s elite half-wolf bodyguard and point man, as well as the character who pays far too much attention to Guts. Ranni the Witch’s side quest is the long and sure route to get his armour.
To face Blaidd and have him shed his armour after slaying him, players must complete this side quest. There is also a quick and easy way, but it entails online begging.
The Armor Set Can Obtained Through Ranni’s Questline
Now, don’t even consider assassinating Blaidd as soon as you encounter him in the Mistwood Ruins. If he killed this way, he’ll apparently only lose his weapon, not his armour. To complete Ranni’s quest and obtain Blaidd’s armour, make sure to follow these instructions. Go to this tutorial for a more extensive overview of Ranni’s Quest (up to step 23); alternatively, just follow the simple steps below.
- To obtain access to the Three Sisters towers, clear Caria Manor north of Liurnia of the Lakes (up to the Royal Knight Loretta boss). This is Ranni’s residence.
- In Ranni’s Rise, go to Three Sisters (on the western side of Caria Manor) and speak with Ranni (middle tower). All dialogue should finished (even the backtracking to Ranni). She’ll direct players to Nokron to speak with Blaidd.
- Look for the Siofra River Well at the Minor Erdtree north of the Fort Haight Site of Grace in eastern Limgrave if you want to get near Nokron.
- Simply take the Siofra River Well elevator down to the underground section and unlock everything. The Siofra River Bank Site of Grace can be found along the exploring path.
- Continue east from the Siofra River Bank and follow the eastern boundaries of the underground area. Blaidd should be on the cliff’s edge, beneath some ruined towering pillars.
- Speak with Blaidd. Players should return to Seluvis in the Three Sisters, specifically Seluvis’ Rise (the southernmost tower). Speak with Seluvis. In Waypoint Ruins, he’ll direct the players to Sellen.
- Waypoint Ruins is located past the bridge, along the southern road, to the southeast of the Agheel Lake North Site of Grace. Talk to Sellen after clearing the Waypoint Ruins. She’ll warn players that if they defeat General Radahn, the stars he’s holding will collide, revealing a clear passage to Nokron.
Ranni’s Questline
- Travel to Caelid, which is located east of Limgrave. East of Stormhill Shack Site of Grace, take the main road. When the sky turns red and the area begins to resemble Australia, players will know they’ve arrived. Everything, including the atmosphere, is working against them.
- Continue along the major road in Caelid until it turns to the southeast, then to the south, and finally to the east. Players must continue on this path until they reach a fork in the road, where the road diverges to the southeast once more. Follow that road.
- Those who continued straight should ultimately come upon a large bridge, as well as the Impassable Greatbridge Site of Grace. There’s a teleporter near this bridge that takes you straight to Redmane Castle for the Radahn boss fight.
- After listening to them, head over to the gathering place and speak with the announcer. He’ll be the one to open the arena.
- Starscrouge Radahn must be defeated. It’s a tough fight, so keep summoning and resummoning NPCs to keep him distracted.
- When the battle is over, a star will fall in the Mistwood Ruins location in eastern Limgrave, revealing the passage to Nokron. Go to this location. It’s impossible to overlook the massive crater due east of the Fort Haight Site of Grace.
- Go down there and make your way to Nokron. In the Night’s Sacred Ground, look for the Finger Slayer Blade in a chest guarded by Mimics. It’s the region to the south of the Grace of the Ancestral Woods Site. Players must descend to the ruin and platform a little.
- Back in Ranni’s Rise, take the Finger Slayer Blade to Ranni. Renna’s Rise will be unlocked after she vanishes. Go to the gateway at the top of Renna’s Rise (the Three Sisters’ northernmost tower).
Also Read:Haligtree Secret Medallion Locations In Elden Ring
Elden Ring
- This will transport players to Nokstella, specifically the Grace of the Ainsel River Main Site. Look around for a casket in the sea and the Miniature Ranni Doll inside.
- Return to the Ainsel River Main Site of Grace and continue chatting to the Ranni doll until it talks and offers you instructions.
- In Nokstella, find and destroy the Baleful Shadow. It’s near the Lake of Rot, past the ruined city. Ranni will then hand over a key that opens a chest to the players. Unlock the Site of Grace by going a little further into the Lake of Rot region.
- Players must beat Queen Rennala in the Raya Lucaria Academy if they haven’t previously. They’ll then have access to the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria. There’s a chest near the respec NPC that you can unlock with the key Ranni gave you and take the ring.
- Return to the Lake of Rot region and make a beeline for the massive gate. There’s a Grace Site there. When you see the centipede enemy temple, go back through the area and look to the left for the coffin. This coffin will transport players to Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, the boss.
- Defeat Astel, the Void’s Naturalborn. This will let you to use the elevator to the Moonlight Altar, which is located near the arena.
- Go northeast, up the hill, to the Cathedral of Manu Celes, from Moonlight Altar. Activate the Site of Grace and proceed to the nearby hole in the earth.
- In this tunnel, look for Ranni and place the ring on her finger. Don’t forget to film Tim Burton’s romantic wedding proposal. Take whatever prize she offers.
- Return to Ranni’s Rise and prepare for a battle with an enraged Blaidd.
- Get Blaidd’s armour by killing him. The wolf helmet is not included, however it may be found nearby on some damaged walls to the left of Seluvis’ Rise’s entrance on some shattered walls.
That concludes the Ranni questline. Here’s a quick and painless way to get Blaidd’s armour.
Getting The Armor Set By Asking On The Internet

Simply go online and request that people contribute Blaidd’s entire armour set, provided they have a spare or if they no longer require it. They can dump the pieces in a private game for others to pick up, and voilà , an instant Blaidd armour set. The difficult part is convincing strangers or even friends to be so giving, especially since attaining Blaidd’s armour takes a significant amount of time and effort.
Get Your Hands On The Greatsword weapon

Guts’ iconic weapon, the Dragonslayer sword, is a must-have for every cosplayer. The enormous Greatsword, a Colossal Sword that scales off Strength, comes the closest in Elden Ring (make sure to meet the requirement of 31 Strength and 12 Dexterity).
Thankfully, while completing Ranni’s questline in order to gain Blaidd’s armour, gamers may have already unlocked the way to obtaining this weapon. Look for a caravan heading northwest from the Caelem Ruins Site of Grace. This caravan’s Greatsword is kept in a chest towards the back. Then it’s time to listen to Susumu Hirasawa’s music while slaying some Demigods— sorry, Apostles.
Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows, as well as Xbox Series X and Series S.