How To Get Into Albinauric Rise In Elden Ring. This guide will assist players in completing the puzzle at Elden Ring’s Albinauric Rise and claiming the reward hidden inside.
In Elden Ring, players may come upon a tower known as Albinauric Rise while exploring the Consecrated Snowfield. The entrance to this tower, like many others in the game, originally blocked by a seal that fans can break by solving a challenge. This guide contains information on two possible solutions to Elden Ring’s Albinauric Rise problem for those who stumped.
Table of Contents
Puzzle Solution For Elden Ring: Albinauric Rise
Fanged Imp Ashes

The Fanged Imp Ashes are important to the initial solution to the Albinauric Rise problem. These Ashes conjure two fanged imp spirits when used, as their name suggests, and they can acquired for 2,000 Runes from the Isolated Merchant within Elden Ring’s Academy of Raya Lucaria. To find this merchant, players need go to Raya Lucaria Academy’s Main Academy Gate Site of Grace, walk through the seal to the east, and continue the road.
Elden Ring lovers should return to Albinauric Rise after getting the Fanged Imp Ashes and summon the spirits. The summoned imps should then brought near enough to engage the hostile imps at the tower’s base in combat. Players can join the combat after they’ve engaged, and the Albinauric Rise seal will open once the opponents have defeated.
Bewitching Branch

Players can also use a Bewitching Branch on one of the hostile imps at Albinauric Rise to turn it friendly and then have it fight the remaining adversaries. Indeed, this strategy will break the barrier, and there are a few options for obtaining a Bewitching Branch. The first is to buy one from the Nomadic Merchant in Liurnia, immediately north of Bellum Church, and the second is to make one after getting the Fevor’s Cookbook [3] from Gideon in Elden Ring’s Roundtable Hold.
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Albinauric Rise Reward: Elden Ring

The Graven-Mass Talisman is in a small room at the top of Albinauric Rise, which players will locate upon entering. This Elden Ring Talisman “greatly increases the power of sorceries,” increasing their damage by 8%. Magic-users can utilise the Graven-Mass Talisman in conjunction with the Graven-School Talisman, which can obtained at the Academy of Raya Lucaria, to boost the effects of their spells even more.
Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.