Where To Find Blaidd In The Siofra River Well In Elden Ring. In Elden Ring, Blaidd the Half Wolf can be found in the Siofra River; this is his exact position.
In Elden Ring, Blaidd the Half-Wolf is an NPC who is characterised as Ranni’s blade. He is sent on a quest by the Witch to uncover Nokron’s buried wealth. Blaidd, however, has no idea where the entrance is, and as Nokron is an underground location, he advises Tarnished meet him in the Siofra River.
Elden Ring’s Siofra River is a vast subsurface region. To find Blaidd, players must go through a lot of hoops. He can be found in the Siofra River’s deepest reaches. Blaidd will remain in the same position once Tarnished completes the assignment and speaks with Seluvis. Blaidd will only move to Redmane Castle when the mission to fight Starscourge Radahn begins.
Where To Find Blaidd In The Siofra River Well In Elden Ring

In the Siofra River, Blaidd is standing near a cliff (near the Hallowhorn Grounds). To get to him, players must travel to the underground area via the Siofra River Well.
Ranni the Witch will invite Tarnished to speak with three people on the first floor, one of whom is Blaidd, if he accepts to serve her. In his spectral form, the Half-Wolf will be standing near a wall. He then informs the players that he would be travelling to the Siofra River in pursuit of Nokron, the Eternal City.

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Tarnished must journey to the Mistwood Outskirts Site of Lost Grace, located in Limgrave’s far east. When you arrive, summon Torrent and go east to Erdtree. Near the tree lies the Siofra River Well, which is a round construction. The interior elevator will transport players down to the Siofra River.
Sprint north after lighting up the Elden Ring Site of Lost Grace. A large archway can be seen in the distance, flanked by shattered pillars. Climb the steps to the left after passing through the entryway.
Continue climbing until you see a massive waterfall. Near the waterfall, there should be a little entrance; enter it and take the elevator inside.
The Siofra River Well

Exit the chamber and summon Torrent after the elevator has stopped. Ride north through the swampy area until Tarnished comes across a Site of Lost Grace. Pick up the item from the corpse near the Hallowhorn Grounds stairwells to the east of the bonfire. It’s a piece of the Siofra River map.

Walk west from the stairwell and up the tiny slope. Players will notice a person standing near a precipice far away if they gaze ahead. Blaidd the Half-Wolf is his name. To get to him, keep walking forward. Before teleporting somewhere else, make sure you’ve exhausted his dialogue.

The route to Blaidd is teeming with foes who may pursue Elden Ring players. As a result, Tarnished may take damage when conversing with the Half-Wolf. As a result, it’s best to either destroy all opponents or ride about on Torrent.
Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.