How To Get The Rock Sling Spell In Elden Ring. A Gravity Sorcery Spell in Elden Ring that pairs nicely with the Meteorite Staff, one of the greatest early. To mid-game mage weapons, the Rock Sling is a powerful Gravity Sorcery Spell in Elden Ring. The Casting Rock Sling ability conjures three big boulders from the ground and hurls them towards. A target in the opposite direction. The damage and range of this Spell outperform those of the Glintstone Pebble. But at the cost of a long cast time. Spellcasters who want to utilise Rock Sling will need an Intelligence of 18. Which is the same stat requirement as for those who want to use the Meteorite Staff. Furthermore, Elden Ring players will able to find the Rock Sling in the same spot as the staff. Which the Ruins of the Street of Sages.
The location Of The Rock Sling Spell In Elden Ring

The quickest and most convenient way to travel to the Street of Sages Ruins. To obtain the Rock Sling Spell in Elden Ring is to use the teleportation trap chest located. Within the Dragon-burnt Ruins in Limgrave’s Agheel Lake, which can be found within the Dragon-burnt Ruins. After leaving the Sellia Crystal Tunnels, proceed southwest to the ruins. Where you will locate the Spell in an underground crypt near the Meteorite Staff. After leaving the Sellia Crystal Tunnels, return to the Sellia Crystal Tunnels.
Also Read:How To Get To Village Of The Albinaurics In Elden Ring
The Caelid’s high-level zone is not a secure place to travel through. Despite the fact that Rock Sling is rather easy to obtain. As a result, it highly recommended that players. Do not disembark from Torrent until they have arrived directly to the Street of Sages Ruins structure. Which contains the underground entry to the Sorcery of the Moon. The Aeonia Swamp filled with hazardous adversaries and environmental risks. That cause Scarlet Rot to spread throughout the ecosystem. It therefore recommended that players only investigate. Their immediate surroundings once they have attained a sufficient Level of 60 or higher.

There are two factors that spellcasters should keep. In mind when casting the Rock Sling Spell in Elden Ring in order to do so correctly. First, after a given distance has travelled by the flying boulders, their velocity will begin to decrease. Leading them to crash into the ground if they are not close enough to their objective. Therefore, while the range of a Sorcery generous. Mages must ensure that they within striking distance of the opponent to avoid squandering FP and being unduly exposed.
Second, if there enough space for the Spell’s projectiles to complete their course. They will break before they can even get started. For example. If you cast Rock Sling behind a doorway, just one rock will flung. While the other two will fall into the doorframe or wall. As a result, before casting Rock Sling, players should take this constraint into consideration and take a look about them.
Elden Ring is a video game that can played on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC platforms.