How To Get The Bloodhound’s Fang In Elden Ring. There are many different types of weapons in Elden Ring, and one of the best in the Curved Greatsword type is the Bloodhound’s Fang, which is considered to be the best in the Curved Greatsword type. It has the ability to deliver massive damage in a short period of time, plus it also has the Bleed passive effect; what’s not to like? In order to fight any foes who stand in your way, you will need to obtain the Bloodhound’s Fang. This guide will show you how to earn the Bloodhound’s Fang.
In Elden Ring, Where Can You Find Bloodhound’s Fang?

Finding Bloodhound’s Fang is a rather simple task, at least from a technical standpoint. Simply defeating Bloodhound Knight Darriwil within the Forlon Hound Evergaol at Stormhill will complete the task for you. The following is a description of the Curved Greatsword, as well as its default stats.
Bloodhound Knights use a curved greatsword with a softly undulating blade, which they call the Bloodhound. A terrifying blade that is capable of devastating flying assaults.
- Physical: 141
- Crit: 100
- Strength: 18
- Dexterity: 17
- Strength: D
- Dexterity: C
Beating the Bloodhound Knight, on the other hand, is a different storey, as he is extremely swift and aggressive. Keep in mind that we have a wonderful post on how to defeat Bloodhound Knight Darriwil, so be sure to read that as well as our Elden Ring tutorial to get you ready for acquiring the Curved Greatsword. However, the following is essentially the gist of the battle:

- He will employ his swift Bloodhound’s Step move to close distances between himself and the enemy.
- Prepare to dodge if he tries to advance towards you while dragging his claw along the ground or wall.
- After the initial hit of his three-hit combinations, the second attack/follow-up is delayed in order to throw you off your game plan.
- Darriwil, the Bloodhound Knight, has a low sense of poise and can be stunned, causing huge damage.
- You can still invite an NPC into this fight by finishing the “Blaidd the Half-Wolf” Questline first, even if you cannot summon help like you can with other Evergaol bosses.
Remember that you can only improve one-of-a-kind weaponry like this one with Somber Smithing Stones, which are extremely rare. Elden Ring is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. It is also available on the Nintendo Switch.