Flask Of Wondrous Physick Location In Elden Ring. Elden Ring does not hold the players’ hands and simply provides subtle indications as to where important goods might found throughout the Lands Between. Some of these goods, such as consumables and weaponry, not required for a player’s survival. Others, like the Flask of Wondrous Physick, so beneficial that surprising they given to players right away.
The Flask of Wondrous Physick essentially an Estus Flask with additional effects that can customised. Players can produce fully unique one-time-use potions by mixing Wondrous Physick at a Site of Lost Grace. It doesn’t take long to find the Flask of Wondrous Physick, but players must go a long way through Limgrave to get one from the start of Elden Ring.
The Flask with Wonderful Physick Can Be Customized

The Flask of Wondrous Physick does not have to heal or replenish the player’s stats. One of the first Crystal Tears players can utilise, in fact, is to form a damage-absorbing shield around themselves. A Flask of Wondrous Physick can hold up to two Crystal Tears at once, which blended into one effect.
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Crystal Tears have a broad range of effects: some restore FP, others promote stamina recovery, others boost major attributes like Strength or Faith, and yet others, like the explosive Ruptured Tear, have completely unique effects. Minor Erdtrees where you’ll find these Tears, and they often hidden beneath Erdtree Avatar monsters. To create a new combination, simply sit at a Site of Lost Grace and select the “Mix Wondrous Physick” option from the drop-down menu.
Where To Find The Flask Of Wondrous Physick

The Flask of Wondrous Physick can discovered at the Third Church of MarikWhere. To Find The Flask Of Wondrous Physicka in Limgrave’s northeast corner. This church sits on the boundary between Limgrave and Caelid, as well as serving as a convenient fast travel bypass to the Mistwood to the south. From the start of the game, continue east past the Dragon-Burnt Ruins and Lake Agheel until you reach a road above the cliffs.
Continue north on this road until it gradually lowers into a clearing near the Mistwood to the south — you’ll come across a Troll on the road, so run around it and continue on the path. The Flask of Wondrous Physick, two Crystal Tears. And a Sacred Tear (for increasing Flask recovery) can found on the ground. At the Third Church of Marika after a few minutes of going northeast on this road.